
Modern children have to learn a lot of information. New data appear day after day and accumulate like a snowball. Each of us knows the expression: “Knowledge is light”. If we look wider, learning is a very useful activity. It makes a person wiser, kinder, richer both spiritually and materially (which is important in our time).

However, due to the fact that in our society, education has become not only generally accessible but also compulsory, in the eyes of young people, it has ceased to be valuable. Moreover, for many children, it is not only a burdensome duty but also a punishment, and doing homework is a torture.

How to make education attractive? How to help a child with his studies?

There is a category of parents who do not care about how their child does homework. Usually, the control is practiced only at primary school. We often can hear such phrases: “Why should I check it? He is already an adult and should think on his own” or “There is a new curriculum now. I do not know anything about it.” It is good if a child copes with everything independently. And if he does not?

No matter how old a pupil is, he needs parental help. But how can working, always busy parents deal with such issues? The simplest excuse about own ignorance of the educational material is not a stimulus to abandon the child’s problems, especially if it’s a high school student.

It is not necessary to know the theory of the disciplines which your child studies. You should not perform assignments instead of him. It is always possible to turn to a professional essay writing service with such a purpose. The most important thing that you may do for a kid is to support him morally, create the necessary conditions. In a word, do not hide from responsibility when it comes to the education and training of your kid.

The homework preparation is an obligatory part of the studies. The unconditional duty of parents is to establish the process of assignments fulfillment. The student should develop internal discipline, because it is the key to success in learning and in life. Strengthening self-control is inseparable from the ability to bring any matter to the end.

Here is another important point. First of all, it is necessary to see a person in a student – not the storehouse of knowledge which must be learned and assimilated. Knowledge becomes a blessing only when it is born from the fusion of the inner spiritual forces of a human and the world explored by him. The mission of the parents is to open the incomprehensible feelings to the children, to awaken the desire to learn.

Causes of poor academic performance

If your child does not cope with a school curriculum and gets low marks, do not immediately call him an idler and do not shout in a panic: “I do not know what to do with him!” First, try to understand the reasons that led to this situation. Here are the most widespread options:

  • Objective difficulties, misunderstanding of a certain topic. They may stem from a relationship between a teacher and a child. The pupils are reluctant to study (even if they are interested in subjects) if there is no mutual understanding with a pedagogue. In more frequent cases, the attention of a child is diverted to extraneous things, which causes problems in obtaining new knowledge and the inability to reproduce it.
  • The desire to shift the focus to own personality. In families where parents, being busy with the household issues, do not give children the elementary human warmth, this is the only way to attract attention.
  • Spoiled kids: excessive care can lead to dictatorship on the part of a child.
  • Fear of failure, which prevents a child from concentrating. Such a situation develops if the parents or a teacher punish a child for mistakes. It also may happen that, even after growing up, a person will associate punishment with the training. As a result, his erudition and professional skills will be insufficient for the interaction with literate people.

To wit, the active presence of parents in the lives of children gives them a sense of security and self-confidence. Such kids are friendly, resourceful, able to understand various social situations.

If parents are excessively demanding and do not allow any independent behavior of the kids, then they lose faith in themselves, feel uncertainty, which leads to communication and learning difficulties.

When parents are not at all interested in the life of their child, evade communication with him, the child may fall under the influence of the wrong people, which will lead to conflicts at school, a lack of understanding at home, a decline in academic performance and disappearance of interest in learning.

Useful tips for good parents

The main educating environment is a family. Try to build a relationship between you and the child adhering to the tips below:

  1. Don’t expect your child to be like you or whatever you want. He should become the best version of himself.
  2. Learn to care for someone else’s child. Never cause problems for other people if you don’t want them to happen to your son or daughter.
  3. Don’t try to charge the child for sacrifices you made for him. He will have to care for own children. This is a cycle of love.
  4. Don’t blame yourself if you cannot do something for your child – only if you can, but don’t.
  5. Don’t talk about his problems arrogantly. Be assured, life may be harder for him than it is for you, because he has no experience.
  6. Don’t humiliate!
  7. A child is not a burden that takes away all your resources. This is a spark of love between parents. Treat it carefully. You should help this spark to grow to the scale of a bright flame that can illuminate the world.
  8. Don’t take offense on the child, so that not to eat bitter bread in the old age.
  9. Love your child even when he is non-talented, unsuccessful, adult. Be happy while communicating with him, because the child is a source of happiness that is still with you.

We hope that the information above will help to make your child not only a successful student but also a happy personality.