
We live in a time when people have become so attached to their smartphones that many of us are unable to function without them. Smartphones have become a necessity because they are essentially minicomputers that enable us to work on the go. Nonetheless, in the age of mental health issues, it is great for consumers to take time to detox not only from phones but from technology. In light of this, it is timely that phones like the Nokia 3210 have made a comeback to the scene because as they say – too much of something can be poisonous.

Nowadays, the average person checks their smartphones over 150 times in a day while others especially kids have even become addicted. For some, the whole idea of taking a digital detox sounds radical and farfetched but increasing awareness of digital addiction and its impact on mental health has made it a necessity.

One of the ways one can be able to detoxify themselves digitally while still maintaining the ability to communicate is by using “dumb” phones. These simple and minimalist devices are making a big comeback as a powerful tool for those who are seeking to reclaim their time, focus, and overall well-being.

As a response to this rise in demand for “dumb” phones, Human Mobile Devices recently relaunched the iconic Nokia 3210. This phone is making a comeback 25 years after it was first launched ensuring that users will have the opportunity to experience the legendary device once again.

During its peak popularity, the 3210 was one of the highest-selling mobile phones of all time. The updated device boasts a sleek retro design and comes equipped with all the essential features you would expect from the original feature phone. This includes a 2MP camera with flash and a long-lasting 1450 mAh battery that won’t die on you while you’re out partying. Additionally, the phone features 4G connectivity for crystal-clear calls.

Here are the benefits of a “dumb” phone digital detox.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Without the constant notifications and temptation to aimlessly scroll on social media, dumb phones help one reduce on stress and anxiety levels. This is because dumb phones offer us simplicity and enable us to take charge of our digital lives.

They do this by enabling us to break free from the social media cycle which can be quite addictive but at the same time can lead to anxiety and depression. Without social media one is forced to go out into the real world and take part in genuine experiences.


We are often not aware of the amount of time that we usually spend on social media or at times playing games which would have otherwise been spent doing productive work.  However, with dumb phones such as the Nokia 3210, one has fewer distractions allowing you to become more focused and productive.

Improved Sleep Quality

Using your smartphone just before bed can lead to a disruption of your sleep pattern due to the blue light on your screen. Switching to a dumb phone can help you to greatly reduce your evening screen time and thus helping you to better sleep quality and rest which can enhance your productivity.

Rediscovering Hobbies

Using a dumb phone can help one recover time that would have otherwise been spent on social media. This new found time can be invested in hobbies such as reading, sports or even just taking walks which can be beneficial for one’s mental health.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself the Nokia 3210 and start enjoying the benefits of a digital detox.