
Energy efficiency is an essential quality for customers looking to buy electronic devices. Since heating and cooling systems make up the largest portion of our energy bills, finding extra ways to keep it running efficiently goes a long way in saving costs.

There are a few ways to maximize electronic efficiency, making it so your air conditioner does not have to consume much energy. Not only does this ensure better temperature controls in your home or office, but also results in lower electricity bills, like using the LG Mounted Cassette.

Here are 10 ways you can maximize the use of your AC unit.

1. Keep the room temperature stable

Despite the temperature state of your room or office, set your unit at a stable temperature setting, usually between 18 and 21 degrees. This will keep your home comfortable and your AC will not need many maintenance calls.

2. Use timers

Use the auto on/off function to keep your air conditioner running. This will turn it on when you arrive home or in the office, and off when you leave. It is also a good way of ensuring that the unit only works when people are around. Leaving it running will add to your electricity bills.

3. Only use it when needed

Apart from using the timer to turn it on and off, remember to only use the AC when it is absolutely necessary. It’s easy to get used to the quick relief it provides, but if you’re concerned with using it efficiently then it’s certainly worth assessing whether or not you need to switch it on.

4. Do not use it in a space you are not using

It is pointless to use your air conditioner when no one is present to enjoy it. Turn it off when members of your household are using other areas of your home. When you are busy, it is easy to overlook the fact that cooling an empty space is extremely inefficient.

5. Close doors

When doors and windows are closed, your AC unit might use more energy than need be. Ensure that you shut the doors so that it does not expend too much energy. Overall, your unit will be much more efficient if you close off the room in which it is operating so that it is only working to keep that specific room cool, rather than the entire house.

6. Keep the filters clean

Maintain your air conditioner’s filters clean to keep it in peak shape. It is ideal to clean your filters at least once a month, or every two weeks. To do this, you will need to unplug your air conditioner and vacuum or wash the filters in soapy water. Replace the filters and turn the unit back on once they are completely dry.

7. Unblock and vacuum your vents

One of the best ways to boost the efficiency of your air conditioner is to keep the vents free from debris. If your vents are dirty, clogged, or need replacement, ensure that you clean and or change them.

8. Buy an energy efficient AC

Rather than installing any old unit, choose an energy-efficient model to get the most bang for your buck.

9. Buy the right size

It can be difficult to decide whether to buy a large or small air conditioner, but it is crucial to get it right. An air conditioner that is too tiny for the room in which it is installed will be inefficient. As a result, seek guidance in determining the right size of an air conditioner to get the best out of it.

10. Use the current technology – Inverter compressor

Cooling demands vary from month to month depending on ambient temperature, occupancy and location. Hence air conditioners should be able to adjust its cooling capacity based on the above conditions. This is possibly with Inverter technology that adjusts the cooling load from zero to maximum based on actual requirements. This technology has been well mastered by LG Electronics AC systems and with other incorporated features makes it most energy efficient air conditioner in the Market

A system that solves most of your energy problems is the new LG Ceiling-Mounted Cassette unit that comes with extra energy savings measures such as occupancy sensor, humidity sensor as well air purification kit for good indoor air quality. It is CAC certified and energy saving thanks to its optimal humidity and temperature control operation and human detection function.