Uber have finally launched their food delivery platform, Uber Eats, in Nairobi. The service will be initially available in Kileleshwa, Westlands, Kilimani and Lavington. The company has promised to roll it out in other parts of the city, plus other cities in Kenya, soon.
The service is available via a separate app on the App Store and on Google Play. Users will still use their Uber credentials to log into the app. Orders can be made on the app every day between 10am and 10pm. There is no minimum order and a delivery fee of Ksh 150 is charged.
The Uber Eats service was launched 2 years ago and is present in 200 cities worldwide. Uber was launched in Nairobi in 2015 and has since expanded to Mombasa and Thika. The service has more than 363,000 active riders and over 5,000 active driver-partners.
Uber Eats will compete with Jumia Foods which has been in the market for a while.
How to order on the Uber Eats app
1. Download the Uber Eats app from either the iTunes or Android app stores, or order at ubereats.com
2. Login with your same Uber account credentials or set up an account
3. Select a restaurant and choose what you want to eat from their menu
4. Press “place order” and wait while your food is prepared or follow along in the app to track the status of your order.
5. An Uber delivery partner will deliver your order to your door.
6. Your receipt will be sent to your email address associated with your Uber