Isuzu Mashinani is a modified 20 foot container that is fabricated by General Motors and is designed to operate as a stand alone auto spare parts shop that is 100% backed by a guaranteed supply of genuine parts from General Motors.
The benefits of joining Isuzu Mashinani includes:
• Guaranteed genuine parts and supply
• Training by MSEA and GM ON technical and business skills
• Guaranteed growth of the youth group/association
Application process of Isuzu Mshinani is as follows:
1. Application by the group to General Motors
2. Submission of the required documents
3. Review by the General Motors team
4. Visit to the proposed site of the container
5. Approval by the General Motors team
6. Scaling of the parts order
7. Payment of the initial stock
8. Delivery of the container on site with parts
9. Measuring of performance and modifying action plans
The application documents include:
• Application letter stating proposed site
• Certificate of incorporation/registration
• KRA PIN certificate of the company/sacco
• KRA Tax compliance certificate of the company
• AGPO certificate (added advantage)
• Company directors or Sacco officials copies of:
a. ID
b. KRA PIN certificates
• Articles of association/constitution
• Minimum order – Kshs. 200,000
The youth groups can request for funding to purchase the spare parts from the Youth Fund, Women Enterprise Fund, CDF entrepreneurs fund among others. However, the container will be provided free of charge with the condition that one only stocks Isuzu parts.
What makes me think that this is a worthwhile venture is the fact that most of the buses that are employed by matatu saccos are Isuzus. Given the way matatus are driven on our roads, chances of wear are tear are very high which basically means that one will never be short of customers.