
Huawei Kenya has entered into a partnership with MaMa Doing Good, an NGO led by First Lady Rachel Ruto, to empower Kenyan women with digital skills.

The two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding to deliver digital skills to more than 14,000 women groups across the country. This partnership aims to equip MaMa Doing Good and the women they serve with devices to aid in learning and digital literacy training. The collaboration is set to empower women in Kenya with essential digital skills and bridge the digital divide.

Speaking during the occasion, Dr. John Chumo, CEO of MaMa Doing Good,”Investing in women’s economic empowerment sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth. The equipment and digital skills the women participating in this Huawei program acquire will be a catalyst for change to improve their lives”.

The MoU between Huawei and MaMa Doing Good outlines their collaboration in key areas including developing and implementing activities to bridge the digital divide for women, enhancing digital skills, documenting efforts, engaging in joint communications, advocating for digital literacy, and collaborating on resource mobilization.

MaMa Doing Good, led by the patron Her Excellency the First Lady, Mama Rachel Ruto, is dedicated to Women’s Economic Empowerment, Environment, and Climate Action in Kenya. The organization’s mission complements Huawei Kenya’s vision, making this partnership a catalyst for change. Founded with a vision to transform communities, Mama Doing Good works to create a better future for all Kenyans.