
General Motors in conjunction with the Micro and Small Enterprise Authority under the Ministry of Industrialization has launched an initiative ‘Isuzu Mashinani’. This initiative is a new and innovative way to ensure that genuine and original parts reach the unserved parts of the market while at the same time providing employment for the youth.

The initiative is positioned to counter youth unemployment by enabling independent ownership of auto part stores. This will give the youth and entrepreneurs an opportunity to apply hands on experience to generate revenue. Already 6 out of the 25 fully equipped container outlets being launched were issued to youth groups across the country.

During the launch Rita Kavashe the GM Managing Director, had this to say “Today, just 23% of service parts sold in the market are genuine. This is not only worrying for vehicle safety and reliability, but also weighs down financially on owners and the economy. Through this initiative we will enhance the ease of access to genuine parts and thus improve operational efficiency and economic performance. This project will also provide our business with the opportunity to unearth the rich potential of the Kenyan youth by not only building technical capacity but also enabling access to assets which is key to startups.”

The initiative is expected to enable youth groups, community based organisations, matatu saccos and entrepreneurs to access startup capital by offering Isuzu auto parts on free lease. This will be supplemented by business training and financial support by MSEA through Youth Fund, Women Enterprise Fund and CDF entrepreneurs support fund.

You can check out pilot units at Kitengela and Kyumvi Machakos county.