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Father’s day is just around the corner. If you are looking for ideas on what to do for your Dad on Father’s day, here are a few tips.
1. A call or text
As they say, sometimes it’s the thought that counts. You might not be able to get your dad a gift but it’s always good to wish the old man a happy Father’s day irrespective. Call him or if you find it hard to talk to him send him a text. Some of our dads don’t even know that Father’s day exists or even the date but this should be a good surprise.
2. Take him out
If you can fix in the time, go for a day out with the old man. Look for something that both of you would be comfortable with and enjoy doing together and go for it. The point is to take some time out of your busy schedule and spend time together.
3. Buy him a gift
The list here is endless so I shall leave it to you. This is the toughest part of Father’s day thus I shall not claim to know the perfect gift for you to pick. Pick something that you think he will like and is practical.
Hope this helps and for those who don’t know the date, mark your calenders for 16th of this month.