
Weave news reader

Getting news directly to your phone just became easier if you happen to own an Asha device. This is due to the introduction of the Weave News Reader application.

The application comes with built-in news sources that are grouped according to categories such as technology, world events, gaming. The news sources allow users to follow any website or at any time.

There is no rigorous signing in process. Instead you have check boxes that let you select the news options that interest you. There are several categories to choose from meaning all your taste and preferences can are catered for.

Positioned at the top is the Categories list, which contains a list of items you selected at app start-up. Within each item you will see the individual news stories that you can then tap to expand. This will display a very simple-to-read article; mainly just text. If the article contains a video, an option to click out of the story will pop out and one can watch it through the phone’s browser. Each story also includes the option to share to Facebook or Twitter, as well as a favourite button, making it really simple to read news at a later date.

There is the option to fine-tune your news source on the home screen. You get to choose where the publications come from be it from the lesser mainstream media or more obscure sources.

If you’re interested in news download it today.