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Laura Walubengo

Laura Walubengo was born almost 33 years ago and she works as the Web editor (Kenya) for Prior to that, she was an editor and news reader for Capital FM, a station that molded her journalism skills. She believes in God, karma, love and a good laugh.

We had a few questions for her, and this is what she had to say:

1. What was your first phone?

Motorola – the ones that used to look like a traffic light. (Or was it a Siemens? I just know it was a traffic light looking gadget).

2. What do you prefer? Facebook or Twitter? Why?

Twitter. It’s easier, more direct, and faster. Also you have access in a way to people you wouldn’t be able to touch with a 20-foot pole on FB.

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In a nice house, with my first book on the side table. Maybe a dog.

4. Any question for us? We’ll publish our answer as well

What does the name Wamathai mean?

It means ‘of the Maasai’.

5. What would you do if you were president for a day?

I would look for a way to make food an attainable commodity for all

6. What’s your favourite book and movie?

My favourite book is Half of a Yellow Sun, movie – I have many, but for now let’s go with Wanted.

7. Who/What inspired you to do what you do now?

I love to write. I love stories. It’s an innate desire in me. I guess I like to talk too. As I do what I do, there are people who inspire me to do what I do better.

8. If you were to change jobs, what profession would you get into? Why?

I would be a professional artist. It is the next thing I dream of being. The first money I ever made was through drawing portraits. So for now it’s a complicated relationship, but we’re still together.

9. If you had a superpower, what would it be?

To read people’s minds

10. If you were deserted on an abandoned island what 5 things would you want to have?

  • My bible
  • Music
  • A sketch pad
  • A note pad
  • A pen

11. If you were a car, what car would you like to be? Why?

An FJ Cruiser. It’s just right. Not too big, not too tough, good looking and colourful.

2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser

12. If you could be in any other band in the world, which one would you like to be in? Why?

Band? Just a Band? Hahaha. Pun intended. I think I would like to tap into their courage with my creativity.

13. Who is the most interesting person you have ever interviewed? What was special about them?

Wyclef Jean. He is like an open book. And a good book at that! His life story is interesting.

14. Share something interesting about yourself with our readers.

I don’t know if you would consider it interesting. But I am the last born in a family of 11 and I love math! I do geeky things like tear down numbers. For instance 0733 782 444 – I would break down to 12345678 – and then have a 6 remaining. Cool eh? Try with your number.