The internet doesn’t forget. This is one of those lines that has been repeated so much it sounds like it belongs in a motivational event. Ever attended one of those? They are generally dull despite the enthusiastic tone adopted by the speakers. A few however, get you all buzzed and raring to go until you sink back to your usual self after a day or two. Overused as the phrase might be, it’s true. I like to put it this way, “Do NOT post anything on the internet you would not want your mother to see.†It’s a bit prudish maybe, but necessary.
The internet, with a big thank you to social media, has become the new pub and bedroom. Opinions are voiced (some are forcibly shoved down our throats), dirty linen washed and aired and mama’s inheritance is shown off… Break-ups, hook-ups, fall-outs, brawls and backstabbing shenanigans are all available at the click of a button. Spies don’t have much work to do anymore. All they have to do is click on your profile and they’ll find everything they need to know about you nicely summarized for them.
Remember that horrendous tattoo you got? Or perhaps it was your friend? Either way, the tattoo was gotten in a moment of utter stupidity and now you’re stuck with it. The internet is somewhat like that. You post something and you’re stuck with it. Even if you later delete it, if someone truly wants to find it, they will.
Young people especially, are seemingly oblivious to the karma spanking power of the internet. Do you honestly think your potential employers will hire you based on your word? In our parents’ days, they had no choice. Nowadays, they can Google you and that picture of you lying in a pool of your own vomit at a party shows up. That is not going to earn you any points or get you a job for that matter.
The role our social media activity plays in influencing the perception of employers can be seen by the number of people that have lost their jobs thanks to ‘questionable’ behavior on social media. Tell me you have not seen those bios that have the disclaimer, “Views expressed here are my own.� It’s their attempt to keep the karma spanking away, especially on those drunk tweeting days.
It’s a new dispensation, children. So play close attention. To be young is a beautiful thing. Enjoy it. You want to curse every two syllables? Go ahead. You want to put up pictures of you that should be in playboy? Go ahead. You want to abuse at least two people an hour? Go ahead. Just remember that they’ll be consequences for those actions. If you see yourself going into a conservative career, get a second account for fun times, preferably under an alias. The rule is now revised. It’s “Do NOT post anything you would not want your boss to see.â€
First published in the Nairobian – Issue No. 4: March 22-March 28, 2013