Apparently, no one takes her seriously, because they are friends – how can she charge for advice?, they ask. Her justification; “I have been in the industry for 12 frickin years and know what works and what doesn’t – that’s how”.
She sticks to calling herself a media personality – people still say they listened to her on the radio just the other day. She just flashes a smile and is polite, unless the other day was 6 years ago, they didn’t.
The best thing that has happened in her life is her baby girl
We had a few questions for her and in an unprecedented move, she had quite a few for us as well!
Here is what she had to say :-
1. What was your first phone?
My first phone was an Alcatel. It was given to me when I won Miss India Kenya! It was bulky and grey.
2. What do you prefer? Facebook or Twitter? Why?
I use both for different reasons. Facebook is more visual so you can do more pictures, adverts, etc. It is great for business because of the networking element. Twitter is addictive and micro blogging is the way of the future.
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years
Gosh! Hard to tell, I was asked that question 10 years ago and did not accomplish half of what I said I would be doing. I guess where I see myself is swimming in success and engulfed in happiness and doing everything not to let my hormones get the better of me..weight, menopause, wrinkles..but then again I am just 16 so what would a 21 year old have to worry about? 😉
4. Any question for us? We’ll publish our answer as well
She asked FOUR questions!! But we are good sports 🙂
Do you think I should get into politics and would you vote for me and why?
- The decision to get into politics is a deeply personal one, we cannot presume to know you that well, perhaps after dinner and a movie? 🙂
Are you proud of being a Kenyan?
- Yes, every day, every hour (until the news comes on, then there are politicians)
What is your absolute favorite meal?
- Rice, Beef, Peas & Carrots.
Do you believe that the world is ending this year?
- The real question is, does our bank believe the world is ending this year? Their answer, no 🙁
5. What would you do if you were president for a day?
President of Kenya? I would educate and empower my people (or at least be there for the ribbon cutting, goodness knows we cannot achieve that in a day).
President of LutherCorp? I would date Clark Kent and ask him why he is always missing when Superman is around.
President of KPLC? Bury my head into the ground like an ostrich and keep on pretending I don’t know about the power cuts and inflated prices.
President of FIFA? I would take pics of the footballers and post them on Facebook so everyone can “like”.
President of..ok this can go on and on.. But I do love the sound of being called Madam President. Nice ring to it.
6. Whats your favourite book& movie?
Book: Bossypants by Tina Fey.
Movie: I am more into TV series’. Its hard to pinpoint one movie but I like feel good comedies.
7. Who inspired you to do what you do now?
I was inspired by all the people who told me I couldn’t.. Thanks my haters ;).
8. If you were to change jobs, what profession would you get into? Why?
I’d definitely be an Astronaut.
I am fascinated by space travel and the bigger picture, that we are not alone. I’d also love to look at the world from up there and know that my math, chemistry and physics lessons came into use in my career.
I just don’t have the balls to do what they do.. (For the record, I have no balls-PERIOD! That would start a whole new rumour..)
9.If you had a superpower, what would it be?
The ability to make you do what I want. And I would SOO dress like Wonder Woman!
10. If you were deserted on an abandoned island what 5 things would you want to have?
- My Blackberry with network service to stay in touch
- Sunblock
- Vitamins
- A white bikini a la Halle Berry
- Fishing skills
11. If you were a car, what car would you like to be? Why?
A Bugatti. Only because its so hard to get and having it makes a statement (By the way, I never get the spelling right..bucati, boogaaarii (with a tweng), buggati..sijui.) But that’s the car I would be.
12. If you could be in any band in the world, which one would you like to be in? Why?
Justin Bieber’s band. Dude makes so much money he is bound to pay his people well. Does he have a band? Also it would be so good to bump into Usher once in a while and get to see teenagers act like complete loonies. That’s always fun. Or Prince’s band only because they always look so hot and after all- the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince would be a great boss. Plus we can share high heels!
13. Could you describe six things you have learned in the last six years?
- If people call you a bitch then you should be one, nice girls finish last!
- You will outlive your precious dogs so treat them nicely and give them love.
- Everything people say to scare you about pregnancy and weight and stretch marks is a myth!
- A new pair of shoes can cure the blues.
- The people who love you are the ONLY people that matter.
- Some people are myopic and treat you like trash when they have ‘arrived’ – but don’t get mad; sit back and watch – what goes up must come down!
14. Share something interesting about yourself with our readers.
My granny was a radio presenter on VoK and the day my dad died, President Moi sent the Kenyan flag to the funeral.
I believe in doing good, because of karma – “what you give out comes back to you, but also making this world a better place (see why I won Miss India Kenya eons ago, I said the right thing..’World Peace’…)
On a serious note, tithe, pray, be kind to one another – this planet needs good people.
I love to laugh and have a wry sense of humour – don’t blame me, I was heavier as a teen and I sought to be popular and making people laugh does work.
I was bullied in school and my advice is – don’t let others put you down, hurting people hurt people, your only revenge is your success that you must achieve for yourself.
How you like me now? Being interviewed on this blog is the BIGGEST thing that has happened to me in 2012. I got dressed, did my make up and answered all the questions carefully. Why did it take you guys so long?
Photo credit: Barbara Minishi