
Wanjeri Gakuru is an Associate Editor at UP, a free monthly urban lifestyle magazine. She’s also a creative writer finding her footing in the world of short fiction through her blog



The self described “semi-retired performance poet” claims that she is quite fantastic at being a terrible karaoke singer.

We had a few questions for her, and this is what she had to say:-

1. What was your first phone?

Officially, a Siemens C-something, but for the longest time I coveted my brother’s Nokia 3310! Have you ever played ‘snake’ for hours and hours? Deftly manoeuvring the ever hungry reptile to the bonus-earning ‘snacks’ before time run out? *bliss* In my mind that was my phone-phone.

2. What do you prefer? Facebook or Twitter?

I’ve met so many kindred spirits there, it’s a little freaky! The good kind for sure.

The best thing about it is that you are fully in-charge of who and what appears on your Timeline. Plus most tweeps are smart, witty and are plugged into the most fascinating things.

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself sporting short hair, an MFA in Creative Writing in my back pocket, the cheque from my second anthology of short stories in the mail and my first born will be crawling by then.

4. Any question for us? We’ll publish our answer as well

A. Is Road Runner a boy or a girl?

  • He’s a Boy

B. If Coyote hired Usain Bolt to chase down Roadrunner would he finally catch him?

  • Based on past performance with any aid purchased by the Coyote in his quest to catch the road-runner, we say no.

5. What would you do if you were president for a day?

Buy a truckload of mabuyuz! Then… Find a way to permanently slash MP salaries by three-quarters, redistribute that money equally among all IDPs. Sign a binding contract with a China Wu Yi-esque company and start a proper slum upgrade program. End the day with a Wamathai: State House poetry edition.

6. Whats your favourite book& movie?
I simply can’t pick one, yikes! To see which books I love check here

Movie? *insert previous dilemma here minus blog link* I must say that Amelie, a lovely French film with all the elements I enjoy in a film, is among my best films though.

7. Who/What inspired you to do what you do now?

My late father. He saw potential in my long letters home when all I saw was a chance to complain about boarding school! Plus every time I read a great article/story I get fired up. It reminds me that the written word is a powerful medium and that I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

8. If you were to change jobs, what profession would you get into?

Did you not read what I just wrote? Hehe! If I wasn’t a writer and journo I’d be an air hostess.

Why? Two words. FREE TRAVEL!

9.If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Teleporting. I wouldn’t have to be an air hostess but a happy globetrotting writer. Muhahaha!

10. If you were deserted on an abandoned island what 3/5 things would you want to have?

– My boyfriend.
– A powerboat with a full tank.
– 10 kgs of mabuyus.
– Solar-powered laptop.
– An earthmover with a full tank to dig up any buried treasure!

11. If you were a car, what car would you like to be?

Can I be a scooter instead?

Why? I’m dreaming of getting one! The convenience of a motorcycle meets comfortably sitting down. That’s me, wild but tame.

12. If you could be in any band in the world, which one would you like to be in?

Again, allow me to digress…Imagine we’ve stepped into a time machine and it’s 1990 and Mary J Blige thought to start a band…

Why? Love that lady to bits. I’d totally let her sing while I danced!

13. Share something interesting about yourself with our readers.

I love to add up the figures on number plates.