
The Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) has on-boarded Syokinet Solutions, to activate 1.6Tbps data capacity on its fibre optic cable which runs from Mombasa to Nairobi. The new high-capacity fiber link is expected to bring fast gigabit internet speeds and reliability to homes, businesses and community networks in Nairobi and Mombasa, representing an advancement in Kenya’s digital infrastructure and connectivity goals.

Over the years, KPC has on-boarded leading telcos and ISPs to its fibre optic cable network including Safaricom, MTN, Airtel Network, Jamii Telcom and Wananchi

Speaking during the launch event held at KPC’s Nairobi headquarters, Managing Director Joe Sang stated, “Today’s launch represents a new milestone for KPC as we strive to expand and upgrade our fiber optic cable in line with our long-term business diversification strategy. The strategic partnership with Syokinet will unlock additional connectivity and offer high-speed internet services for homes and businesses between Nairobi and Mombasa. This is a major step forward in advancing Kenya’s digital infrastructure and supporting the government’s visionary Digital Superhighway agenda to accelerate the country’s transformation, creation of jobs and economic growth.”

Sang further expressed confidence in the security and resilience of the fibre optic cable infrastructure, adding that KPC looks forward to continued expansion. This is in addition to its existing plans to onboard more local ISPs to further boost connectivity.

“Our cables run securely alongside the pipeline right-of-way, providing inherent protection and minimal downtime. This strategic asset allows us to offer carriers highly reliable and low latency connectivity, and we expect this new service to generate additional revenue for KPC. We are actively engaging with more partners to maximize utilization of our infrastructure for the benefit of all Kenyans,” Sang added.

On his part, Syokinet CEO Ian Kasyoki said, “Our collaboration represents the tremendous progress in expanding access to world-class digital services. By combining our internet services expertise with KPC’s impressive fiber infrastructure, we can enhance the quality of life by empowering customers with faster, more reliable connections. Syokinet is committed to working with partners like KPC to achieve the government’s vision of a digitally-enabled society.”