
The Changamka Kenya Shopping Festival has officially come to a close at the Oshwal Community Centre in Mombasa after a 4-day expo. The festival, which was an initiative by the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), attracted Kenyans both within and beyond Mombasa City to purchase high-quality products directly from local manufacturers at discounted prices.

The festival serves as a dynamic convergence point for Kenyan manufacturers and key stakeholders, allowing them to display their locally crafted products and connect directly with consumers. The move aims to boost sales and foster greater awareness and appreciation of Kenya’s manufacturing sector.

The Mombasa edition of Changamka comes at a pivotal moment as the government rolls out policies aimed at increasing the manufacturing sector’s contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the current 7.6% to an ambitious 20% by 2030.

Speaking at the expo closing ceremony, Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir said, “The Buy Kenya Build Kenya initiative is more than just a slogan; it is a rallying cry that should echo throughout the nation. By supporting local manufacturing, we can drive job creation and economic development. The Changamka Shopping Festival is a crucial platform that will propel our local entrepreneurs to new heights, enabling them to compete effectively on a continental and global scale.”

On her part, Joyce Njogu, KAM’s Head of Consulting and Business Development reiterated, “Changamka Shopping Festival is a celebration and a showcase of the diverse, high-quality, and unique products that our local industries produce. It provides manufacturers with a golden opportunity to highlight the excellence and variety of their goods to local, regional, and international markets.”

The Changamka Shopping Festival ignited Mombasa with the spirit of local enterprise and innovation, paving the way for a thriving Kenyan manufacturing sector.