
Manufacturers through the Kenya Association of Manufacturers have unveiled a strategy to expand forestry businesses in the country.

The newly launched Forestry Business Sustainable Action Plan highlights interdependences of the forestry industry and other economic sectors. This is with the aim of improving the country’s socioeconomic development, whilst preserving ecosystems.

The Forestry Business Sustainability Action Plan for Kenya was commissioned as part of an inquiry into seeking ways to enhance the sustainability of Kenya’s forestry sector through a multi-stakeholder approach.

It mirrors global and regional best practices, with the main intent of guiding sector interlinking businesses to develop tailored sustainable actions that support the forestry sector in Kenya.

Speaking at the launch of the strategy plan, Kenya Forest Service (KFS) Chairman, Peter Kinyua said, “To reduce the gap between demand and supply in the forestry sector, we are providing technical expertise to private farmers to increase the quality and quantity of trees. We have also partnered with various stakeholders, including the business community in restoring and managing urban forest parks.”

On his part, KAM Chairman Mucai Kunyiha noted, “The Forestry Business Sustainable Action Plan is an initiative of uKAMilifu, our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) arm that houses our social impact programmes. The plan provides insights on the extent to which the forestry sector strategies and programmes have been implemented, and level of sector-actors collaboration and coordination towards enhancing sustainability of the forestry sector, and areas of improvement.”