The latest Huawei latest flagship mobile device, the P10, will be launched in Kenya next month. The phone was recently launched at the Mobile World Congress along with the P10, the Huawei Watch 2 and the Porsche Design Huawei Smartwatch.
The P10 runs on Android™ 7.0 operating system and is a 4G phone. It comes with a 5.1 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) touchscreen, 3200 mAh battery, 4GB RAM, 32GB internal storage, HUAWEI Kirin 960 CPU and 2.4 GHz Octa-core processor. It has two cameras at the back i.e. 20 Megapixels and 12 Megapixels plus an 8 Megapixel front camera.
It will retail at about €649 (Ksh. 70,673).