The Jua Kali sector is a source of employment to many Kenyans, however the growth has been hindered by lack of the necessary tools and equipment. Many are those who use outdated tools which greatly affects the quality and pricing of the final product. This has meant that these artisans have been unable to take their business to the next level due to such challenges. This is about to change with the launch of the Bosch Power Box. For those not in the know Bosch a German company is a market leader in the power tools industry.
Earlier in the year, Bosch saw a need to professionalize the way artisans do their work in Africa by providing them with the necessary tools. The challenge however, was that the tools were expensive and most of the artisans could not afford to buy them. This led to the creation of Bosch Power Box (BPB) the firs which was launched in Kumasi, Ghana in June this year. The BPB allowed artisans to be able to buy, lease or rent the very latest power tools at affordable prices. The initiative was designed to create, up-skill and grow the small businesses with the aim of bringing them into the formal and mainstream economy. It is also designed to ensure a smooth transition for the small businesses from the informal to the formal sectors. Since the introduction of BPB’s artisans have reported a significant improvement in the quality of products manufactured and also efficiencies.
In Kenya, artisans have been introduced to the BPB through trainings and demonstrations. They have also been given the chance to hire tools for their day to day needs. As the artisans see the advantages of using the power tools, there is a growing demand for financing so as to enable ownership. This has since seen Bosch negotiate a micro financing deal so as to enable ownership for the artisans. Bosch has also partnered with Equity Bank so as to be able to provide the entrepreneurs with financial training and budget management assistance.