They say you’ve not drunk until you black out, whoever they are. This writer has had his fair share of blackouts. But I doubt I have reached the legendary status set out by the Hangover Franchise. From waking up with a Tyson like tattoo on your face to finding yourself in some dingy motel with a circus monkey. The movies aside, here are some of the worst places to find yourself after a night out of heavy drinking. (In no particular order)
1. Police Cell
This is among the worst places in all countries I believe. Especially if you’re in Kenya. Kenyan police cells are not known to be the most hygienic (from what I’ve heard) so it will come as a rude shock to find yourself in a pool of urine and other unmentionables. Plus one look at whoever is next to you and you’ll be trying to forget what might have happened for the rest of your life.
2. The News
This is another place that I bet you wouldn’t want to find yourself. Worst is when you can’t remember what happened and you’re watching the news with some friends and family. Think about those funny alcoblow clips that keep being replayed on the local news. Imagine that was you?
3. A ditch
This is among the top spots to find heavy drinkers who’ve had a bit too much. Just hope it doesn’t rain or it’s not a sewerage. Imagine the smell and having to walk home in the daylight.
4. Your neighbor’s bedroom
So you know your neighbor has a good looking wife and he is out of town. You also know he can knock you out with his pinky finger thus you avoid her at all costs. But here you are after a night out of heavy drinking and confuse your house/apartment with that of your neighbor. Worst part is he comes in the next morning only to find you there. This is all hypothetical though 🙂
5. The hospital
I’ve had friends who’ve drank to the point they had to be injected with drips at the campus dispensary. Now imagine this on a large scale and your family is called to the Aga Khan. Or worst still, it is one of those hospitals where the attending doctor accidentally pronounces you dead and you wake up in the morgue.
6. The pub toilet
You’ve seen them. Lying on the toilet floor, blacked out and in a pool of their own vomit. Make sure this isn’t you.
The list is endless but the moral of the story is the same – Drink responsibly!