If you are on Facebook you’ve probably heard of the black market group aka soko nyeusi. This is an open Facebook group that allows individuals, small medium enterprises and even corporates to post information about good and services they have and people get to interact in the comments section or call the prospective sellers for more information. It is not the only group of its kind as many have sprung up offering the same services.
With the onset of the internet, which is considered on the greatest inventions for mankind, there have been endless business opportunities that have sprung up. One of this opportunities has been e-commerce. This has allowed individuals and businesses to take over how one buys and sells goods. Social media has also erupted to allow the growth of online communities and when these two are pit together their is exponential opportunities for business.
So, why are these Facebook groups so convenient for businesses? One of the main reasons is that these groups allow for easy access to goods and service and on the cheap for that matter. All one needs is to have a Facebook account, which is free, and join one of the groups. From their onwards you have access to free marketing and also have a large community of group members who can share your information to an unlimited number of other Facebook users. Unlimited in the sense that they have friends who have friends who have other friends blah blah blah.
One of the main issues raised is that this makes people susceptible to con men and con women who want to defraud people off their money. However, there are many other security measure that can be employed to ensure you are not defrauded like seeing the goods first and meeting in a public place etc.