

All news outlets and social media sites have been ripe with the same headlines for days. Dog pornography, protests over MPs salary. Some of us have made light of the situation and even cracked jokes about it. But this seems to highlight our acceptance of the rise in moral depravity in our society.

If you watch news keenly, read newspapers and listen to conversations around you, there is always something scandalous going on. Maybe it’s a child that’s been raped, or a story of prostitution and drugs. Such issues make up a large part of our news. What shocks me is our reaction to it.

When you hear such a story, your first reaction is outrage. You wonder how such a thing is possible then you feel sad that it happened. After a while, you seem ok with it. After all it’s nothing new and tomorrow there will be something new to talk about.

Such stories make us lay blame on the victims. It is their fault. They choose to go down that need. We publicly denounce them and make it known that we have what they did. Very few of us go that extra step to question why that happened.

For the longest time we have sat silent as more rape stories have been aired. We are comfortable with the status quo of our politicians being greedy and earning too much. When one person speaks up about the situation we shy away from them. It is their fight, we want nothing to change. Our sense of right and wrong is so warped that we find it more of an issue to protest actions by politicians rather than oppose their wrong doing. We laugh when a woman is stripped for wearing a short skirt. We oppose adverts advising women to use condoms rather than encourage it to keep them safe. We enjoyed the mpango wa kando ads and missed out on the message. Moral depravity is on the rise but we seem content with how things are.

Asking questions about what we consider to be immoral is rare. We like the comfort zone and do not want to stray from it. Our routine of outrage, sadness/pity then acceptance is what we know and practice. We have condoned so much for so long that we seem to e spiraling out of control. Things are getting worse as we become a sick and demented society of evil doers

I don’t know about you but I think we have no one to blame but ourselves for the moral depravity. If we spoke up against it and sought the root problem, maybe we could fix it. I am not the most moral person in life but I think we need to have a voice of reason and question all these things and keep them in check before it’s too late.