
Ladies often say that shopping is therapeutic something which I couldn’t get my head around because I have always viewed it as a hustle. However, over time I have come to believe them because who wouldn’t mind driving a brand-new car or even watching an action movie on a new 85-inch 8K Tv screen.  What I have come to learn is that we all have a taste for the finer things in life with the only limiting factor being the size of our wallets. But what if we could use Absa Buy Now Lipa Pole Pole upgrade our lives without having to break the bank?

The Absa Bank Buy Now Lipa Pole Pole facility aims to do this by enabling you to shop for all the nice gadgets and home appliances that you have been dreaming of and paying back at your own pace.

In my opinion, this product is timely due to the fact that our current economic situation has meant that a good number of us have had to either delay a purchase or left it all together. Simply due to the fact that many of us can’t afford to afford to make the payment upfront.

The Absa Bank Buy Now Pay Later remedies this by enabling you to make those big-ticket purchases like a sofa set, dining table, heck you can even buy a car if your limit allows it. Something which a good number of us could not have been able to do if we were just relying on our savings more so in this economy.

Here are some of the reasons why you should use the Absa Buy Now Lipa Pole Pole if you are looking to upgrade your lifestyle.

Absa Bank Repayment Period

Nowadays, mobile loans are all the rage due to the ease of access. However, their downside is that they have very short repayment periods. This means that one cannot be able to use them to make big purchases of say a TV or even a dining table.

However, the Absa facility allows you to lipa pole pole for up to 12 months. This enables you to plan better as well as ensure that the payments are affordable.

Absa Bank Interest Rate

As with all other loans, the interest rate is usually a key determinant as to whether one will take it up or not. Well, the Absa Buy Now Pay Later has one of the lowest interest rates in the market of up to 2.67 % per month. This ensures that the repayments will not dent your pockets as you enjoy your upgrade.

Ease of Access

Every once in a while, one stumbles of a hot deal online with a retailer offering big discounts on various items for example a laptop or even a camera. However, for some strange reason, these are often the times when you don’t have enough money on your account. Also, applying for a loan would take forever making you miss out on a once in a lifetime chance to make that purchase.

With the Absa Bank Buy Now Lipa Pole Pole, you don’t have to worry about filling out a loan application every time you want to make a purchase. As soon as you get a credit limit, you are good to go, leaving you to decide what to buy, when to buy and how long you want to repay the loan. Talk about convenience.


What I liked the most about this product is the fact that one can be able to choose the repayment period that is best suited to you. For instance, in a case where you are foreseeing that you might get a lumpsum payment sometime soon, you can opt for a short repayment period of say three months. You can also choose the longer period of 12 months if you want to make the payment as less strenuous as possible.