
5G is the fifth generation of telecommunications technology. The additional speed and capacity provided by 5G networks will transform large-scale production in the coming years. Kenya is the second country in Africa to host 5G subscriptions to businesses and everyday customers. Nine towns will soon have 5G infrastructure in place. It’s yet to be confirmed whether every city and town will have 5G towers set up.

For everyday users, this will improve all of the functionality of their mobile devices. As Kenya begins to support more digital economic activity like regulated online gambling with sites such as NetBet or playing shooter games like Fortnite, 5G will help meet increasing consumer demands for coverage.

Nokia is partnering with Huawei to equip the towns with 5G technology. Its first major use will be to enhance connectivity for Safaricom’s broadband. When it comes to 5G, productivity and connectivity are the primary solutions that they provide.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The so-called internet of things is described as the fourth industrial revolution. Compare the convenience we experience in the digital workplace to the paper-based offices that preceded it. Those technological advances that now save time and mental energy can give us an idea of the ways 5G will help businesses in the future.

More Devices

5G networks will be able to process inputs from thousands of devices. Being able to link so many items will help companies manage assets. In a world where most everyday objects are connected together, telecommunications technology needs to be able to sustain a high fidelity of service.

Faster Speeds

Experts estimate that 5G transmissions can allow speeds up to ten times faster than wireless is currently capable of today. Such high rates will not make a noticeable impact on everyday users’ experience. Specialized uses like real-time communication between paramedics and doctors will become a real possibility. 

Broader Coverage

Fifth generation wireless technology will also be less constrained by objects in its environment. Coverage is more uniformly distributed within its range. Ensuring that you won’t have to go hunting for that particular spot with the best service. 

Augmented Reality

Glasses enabled with augmented reality will show information about items through a VR system. Workers will have access to a complete index of whatever products or machines they are interacting with at any given moment. Instead of consulting a manual or even Google something on a mobile phone, they will have every piece of information located where it is most relevant.

The speed of 5G combined with a network of interconnected devices will allow these virtual displays to automatically and instantly adjust to changes in the viewer’s position or angle.

A Leader in Innovation

As a new digital economy comes into being with the help of 5G’s advances, Kenya could be poised to become an origin of innovation. Many places will likely still use older networks for general coverage, as it spans a greater distance. Locations with high traffic will carry 5G. In these centers, new pioneers of the industry will launch the next era of technological solutions.