
The Cabinet has considered and approved the Children Bill, 2020, among 14 bills sent to the National Assembly.

The Bill seeks to address the increased vulnerability of children in Kenya. Broken families and community systems have been associated with the increased vulnerability of children.

The Cabinet meeting chaired by President Uhuru Kenyatta, approved the bill, in an effort to promote the wellness of the country while being mindful of the the family’s position as the basic unit of the society.

The Cabinet noted that the curriculum reforms being instituted under the stewardship of the Ministry of Education will enhance the opportunities available to children in Kenya.

“As Kenya’s apex policymaking organ, Cabinet also underscored the need to continuously drive focus on children and children affairs in every aspect of public life,” the dispatch read in part.

As part of human capital development geared towards strengthening the governance and management of universities, the Cabinet further considered and approved the Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2021.

The proposed amendments seek to entrench the ethos of good governance in institutions of higher learning while enhancing the regulatory role of the Commission on University Education.

The Cabinet also considered legislative proposals that seek to enhance ease of doing business and foster the participation of MSMEs in business, by establishing a legal framework for Multiple Awards of Contracts.

“That framework would allow for large contracts to be awarded in one-unit price to multiple parties, as opposed to the current winner takes it all approach,” read part of the dispatch.

In regard to Bills, Regulations and other Statutory Instruments, Cabinet approved the Public-Private Partnerships Bill, 2021, the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal (Amendment) Bill,2020, the National Sustainable Waste Management Policy and Bill,2020, the Community Groups Registration Bill, 2019 and the Proposed Public Management (Equalization Fund) Regulations Bill 2020 for transmittal to Parliament.

Other bills include the Irrigation Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020 and the Irrigation (General) Regulations, 2020, Business Laws (Amendments No.2) Bill, 2020, the National Electronic Single Window System Bill, 2020, the 2021 Budget Policy Statement, the Division of Revenue Bill, 2021, the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, 2021, and the Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy, 2021.