
It’s said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day since you burn lots of energy while sleeping. As such, it’s necessary to replenish your body with energy-boosting food in the
morning to give your body the required nutrients for the day. However, eating a proper breakfast doesn’t necessarily mean spending lots of time and skills to prepare. There are a number of foods that you can eat in the morning that will provide you with proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibre without any preparation. Here are some energy-boosting foods that are great for breakfast.

1. Coconut

Whether taken as an oil, water or as a fruit, coconut has been proven to have beneficial effects on our body. It’s a naturally refreshing fruit since it’s packed with mineral such as potassium and calcium that boost your energy. You can use coconut oil to prepare your breakfast or have it in its raw form. The water is especially nutritious and has a better energy-boosting effect.

2. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can be categorized as superfoods. Though we’re just beginning to learn about the
immense benefits of such seeds, they’ve become a highly sought-after. Chia seeds contain
Omega-3 fatty acids which help raise energy levels. They’re also rich in calcium and iron
increasing blood flow and muscle activity in the body. Chia seeds are highly recommended as a pre-workout food. You can add sprinkle some on your meal, yogurt or mix with water and eat it.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are known for their anti-oxidant properties. They not only boost your immunity and lower the risk of cancer but also, they’re a good source of energy. Jam-packed with vitamins and minerals like potassium and fibre, blueberries improve brain activity and help fight of depressive symptoms which can take a toll on the body’s physical wellbeing. You can include blueberries in your cereals, pancake or have them as they are.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are readily available in the country all year round. They’re also significantly
healthier than bread. Therefore, you should include this in your breakfast diet. Thanks to their
high carb and fibre content, the body processes them slower thus giving you a steady source of energy throughout the day. They’re also rich in magnesium which relieve anxiety and headaches.

5. Avocados

Avocados have become a staple in many Kenyan households. They’re delicious, affordable and
most importantly, nutritious. They’re considered a superfood due to their healthy fat, vitamin and fibre content. These fats assist in absorbing and storing nutrients thus giving the body a steady source of energy for longer periods. Not to mention, avocado toast is one of the most delicious breakfast foods.

6. Peanut Butter

If you don’t mind the extra calories, peanut butter is a good source of proteins which provide you with an energy boost in the morning. It also keeps your blood sugar stable thus balancing your energy level all day long. Therefore, peanut butter is a better bread spread. You can also add a spoonful in your cereal, yogurt, or shake.

7. Bananas

If you’re feeling low on energy, try eating a banana. A study comparing the effects of bananas
and energy drinks in cyclists found that bananas boosts energy just as much as the energy drink. Since they’re a rich source of potassium and fibre, they’re naturally filling while boosting energy levels. They’re also healthier than energy drinks.

8. Lemons

You might want to start the day off with a delicious and hearty breakfast but, sometimes, all you need is a glass of lemon water to give you a boost of energy. Lemons are known to cleanse the liver and aid in digestion. They also contain calcium and potassium. These properties work together to provide the body with the needed energy for a great start.

9. Oatmeal

Oatmeal helps in the digestion of carbs hence preventing irregular sugar levels which lead to low energy levels. Since your body processes these energy boosting foods slower, this gives it a more sustained energy source. Oats are also easy to prepare and take about 5 minutes to be ready. To make them tastier, you can include fruits like blueberries and bananas.

10. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate for breakfast? Yes, please. This sweet snack has great effects on your brain activity.
Apart from stimulating dopamine and releasing feel good hormones, the high antioxidant levels in dark chocolate aid in boosting brain’s health. A healthy brain gives you more motivation and better bodily function which in turn, boost your energy levels.