A success story to dazzle everyone in Kenya, but receiving little attention, has taken place recently in Norway. A Kenyan promoter a CEO of her own company Oberax2, Donna Akinyi Obera has been awarded the prize for being the best promoter across all of the Scandinavian countries. The success comes as a result of her many years of work in the industry and the years of growth and effort put into her own brand.
Born in Kisumu, Donna founded her company several years ago, hoping to grow the brand of East African musicians all over the world. She has spent the past few years promoting said musicians and bringing their events all across Kenya, as well as some of the other countries in Africa, Europe and the United States. This promoter with a social personality has done a lot of work to bring her name into the forefront of the world and is finally getting recognized for it. The OberaX2 company that she founded enabled her to also bring some international artists to Kenya.
An exceptional award
The award Donna Akinyi Obera has received is very prestigious. It takes different promoters, working in different fields from many parts of the world and brings them all together to the event. They compare the work they have done and the success they have brought to their companies and enterprises. Only one of the many promoters brought to the forefront of this competitive award gets to be named as the best, so the fact that the award went to a female, Kenyan promoter shows how much work she has put into developing her brand.
Some of the most successful and hardworking promoters in the industry are usually present at such events. Event, artist and casino promoters are all present and graded accordingly. Promotion is a pretty complicated industry, with the casino promoters doing amazing work to achieve their yearly goals and possibly get named as some of the best in the world. While being high level and complex work, casino promotion is also one of the most interesting and often recognized promotional work a person interested in the industry can get. Though promoters don’t only get to work at casinos, as showcased by Donna.
Future Plans
According to Ms Obera, her plans for the future are diverse and full of work. She plans to continue her promotional work and bring even more events to Kenya, but also to expand beyond the borders. She hopes to start bringing events to the US, UK, other large European countries, as well as to expand into the other African countries. She hopes to be able to grow OberaX2 to a size that will make it one of the most successful promotional brands in the world, with a large enough size to enable her to work with some of the biggest stars across the world. While having a history of working with such artists in Kenya, she hopes that the same level of success can translate internationally.
She also hopes to open a beauty parlour in her own town and to eventually grow it big enough to become a brand recognizable around all of Kenya. The grand opening of the parlour took place on December 3rd and the parlour has been running well ever since then. With such a large prize currently in her hands, it is no surprise that Donna is hoping to bring herself to the next level by working more and harder than ever before. Hopefully, she can achieve at least a part of her dreams and successfully work internationally and with the borders of her own country.