
Growing up I have fond memories of the “maziwa ya nyayo”, yes mzee ni mimi. The milk used to be brought to my primary school every Friday without fail and I have to say it used to be a perfect ending to a long week. Needless to say kids in my school used to look forward to the free milk and the sight of the rickety Bedford truck rumbling into the school compound used to bring smiles on many a faces. Back then I never knew and frankly didn’t care about the rationale behind supplying schools with milk but I have since discovered that taking milk actually has benefits.

Check out reasons why every parent should ensure that their kids take milk.

Milk is the best source of calcium. Calcium generally protects our bodies from bone loss, migraine headaches, obesity in children and aids in losing unwanted fats. So it is important that as a parent you ensure that your child gets a daily intake of this important nutrient.

Healthy Bones
As a child one needs to have healthy and strong bones. This helps to avoid instances of broken legs, arms which can happen as kids play. Kids being kids will be tempted to jump from trees, high ledges, climb on top of a gate and so forth hence strong bones are essential. There are three factors that contribute to healthy and strong bones that is genetics, physical activity and proper calcium intake which comes from drinking milk.

Healthy Teeth
Milk helps protect the enamel surface of teeth against acidic substances. As such taking milk results in better dental health. Also taking milk rather than sodas will help reduce the risk of tooth decay and weak gums brought about by the sugar that can be found in soft drinks.

Milk happens to have a good amount of water molecules so it helps to keep the body hydrated. This is more so for kids who spend a lot of time running around.

Milk and muscle building
Cow milk was designed to help baby cows grow fast. Cow’s milk is a rich source of high quality protein (contains all the essential amino acids) and whole milk is a rich source of energy in the form of saturated fat which can prevent muscle mass being used for energy.

The human body has more than 600 muscles which do everything from pumping blood throughout the body to helping us lift something heavy. For an active child having strong muscles is a must and there is no better way to guarantee this than by simply giving him/her milk.

With so many milk brands in the market one is often left wondering which to pick at the supermarket. Well wonder no more as Daima has come up with a milk package that is specifically meant for your little one. The 200ml packet is small enough to fit perfectly into a school bag and can be taken during break time, lunch hour, in the morning with cereal or even as a bedtime snack. Basically your child’s school bag should never be without a packet of Daima milk “Think Fresh”.