
Sophia Wanuna is a Senior News Anchor and Reporter at K24Tv.

We had a few questions for her and this is what she had to say :

1. What was your first phone?

It was a blue Nokia, don’t remember which one, but it was very strong, would fall and keep going.

2. What do you prefer? Facebook or Twitter? Why?

Twitter of course. It’s cool

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Having my own syndicated show that will inspire people to be the best they can be.

4. Any question for us? (we will publish our answer as well)

I have two questions. Who are us? and, Where do you see yourselves in 5 years?

  • Everyone has 2 questions these days J “Who” is but the form following the function of “what” and What we are is a website
  • In 5 years, we will be the largest creative writing force this side of the world, now back to you…

5. What would you do if you were president for a day?

I would start with taking time praying for God’s guidance and wisdom, since there are so many things that would be running through my mind … then after that session with God, I’d do what he’d instruct me 😉

6. What’s your favourite book & movie?

Hinds Feet in High Places … For Coloured Girls

7. What inspired you to do what you do now?

To fulfill what I know is God’s will over my life

8. If you were to change jobs, what profession would you get into?

Probably a detective..LOL

9.If you had a superpower, what would it be?


10. If you were deserted on an abandoned island what 5 things would you want to have?

  • Bible
  • Notebook
  • Tampons
  • Shades
  • Lipstick

11. If you were a car, what car would you like to be? Why?

4×4. Buoyant like Nuna

12. If you could be in any band in the world, which one would you like to be in?

Zidi band. Lovely souls, lovely voices, lovely music

13. Share something interesting you would like to share with our readers

When I was much younger I wanted to become an FBI agent 😉