
Education can be termed as the process of transferring knowledge, abilities, values and skills from one person to another. It is essentially a social activity which helps to develop the personality of a person and it is through it that an individual is able to find the right direction in life.

Education has the ability to change one’s life for the better, this is more so for those who live in the impoverished areas of the country. For the children who live in these areas, it is usually a ticket to a better life. As such, it is often said that the best gift that a parent can give to their child is to educate them as this opens up more opportunities for them.

A past report by the Global Partnership for Education indicated that about 420 million people would be lifted out of poverty due to secondary education thus reducing the number of poor people worldwide by half. The report also stated that an extra year in school increases a person’s earnings by 10%. Children of educated mothers are more likely to be vaccinated and less likely to be stunted due to malnutrition. Also, it can help save a child’s life because data indicates that a child born to a literate mother is 50% more likely to live past age 5. Education also fosters peace because, where the enrollment rate for high school is 10% higher than average, the risk of war is reduced by 3%. Each year of secondary education reduces the likelihood of child marriage by 5%. Education also boosts economic growth in that each year of schooling raises average GDP growth by 0.37%.

Given all the benefits of getting an education, it is easy to see why our parents used to push us to do our best in school. As in as much as one might not get a job after school, one can be able to use the knowledge gained to start a business that can uplift one’s family from the shackles of poverty.

One of the initiatives which have had a positive impact on education in the country is Ndoto Zetu which was launched in 2019 by the Safaricom Foundation. The initiative is aimed at transforming the lives of communities across the country for the better. Interestingly, the initiative came about when Bob Collymore the then Safaricom CEO was challenged by Churchill to support the Divas Power Initiative. Since its inception, Ndoto Zetu has executed over 600 projects worth Ksh 90 million and has impacted close to 2 million Kenyans.

Other than education, the initiative also focuses on empowerment, health and water. This year, Safaricom has set aside an amount of Ksh. 100 Million for the successfully submitted projects.

Here are some of the projects that Ndoto Zetu has undertaken in the education sector;

Barmish Primary School

The pupils at Barmish Primary School in Wajir received a donation of school desks. Prior to the donation of the desks, the pupils used to sit on the floor of the class something which would affect their concentration as they were not comfortable. With the new desks, the pupils are now comfortable and can be able to concentrate on their studies.

St. Georges Primary School

St. Georges Primary School is located in Ruiru town, Kimabu County. The school has a program that caters to special needs children, ensuring they are able to access proper education. Due to the fact that schools which provide such programs few and far in between, it continues to see a higher intake of students, presenting a need for more therapy equipment.

I was due to this need that Penninah Njoki, a teacher at the school, reached out to the Safaricom Foundation via the Ndoto Zetu initiative. It was through her request that the special needs program received therapy kits. Now the students have access to tools that can enhance their learning and well-being.

Ngala Memorial School

Ngala Memorial Secondary School is located Mariakani, Mombasa County. The school was initially a primary school that made the transition into a high school. When the government announced 100% transition rate requirement for all those who sat for K.C.P.E, the school faced a challenge as the school’s facilities were overstretched and this saw some students having to share desks. Their wish was to have more desks and chairs.

Upon their request, Ndoto Zetu came to their aid and provided them with 70 desks and seats. With an improved learning experience, students of Ngala Memorial can now focus on getting the most out of their education.

Githurai Primary School

With the advent of the Competence Based Curriculum, there was a need to teach the pupils digital skills. Seeing a need, Elizabeth Waithera made an application to Ndoto Zetu which was successful.

The school was supplied with 10 computers for their computer lab, access to the internet is expected to help the pupils to research and learn more about science, social studies and other content which will help them in their education.

Kahawa Wendani Primary School

Located in Kahawa Wendani, Nairobi County. The school had old and dilapidated desks which at times used to make the pupils fall and hurt themselves not to mention the disruption of learning.

Ndoto Zetu donated desks which were adequate for a classroom of 50 pupils. This has enabled the pupils concentrate in class as they no longer fear hurting themselves while studying.

If you would like Ndoto Zetu to partner with you on a project to assist your community, just visit any Safaricom Retail Shop and fill in an application form for a chance to have your community’s dream actualized. Deadline for applications is 21st June 2021.