
With the new lockdown in place, lots of people are experiencing mental health issues. Staying indoors, losing connections with loved ones and losing income can make anyone feel anxious and even depressed. This together with the uncertainty of the pandemic has caused an increase in mental health cases which has seen a rise in cases of violence and even murders . However, there are simple steps you can take to protect your mental health and stay mentally fit during the lockdown.

If you’re feeling down, try some of these steps.

1.Stick To Your Daily Routine

Lockdown isn’t an excuse to slack off or become a couch potato. You can still maintain your normal routine during this period. If you wake up at 5 am, continue waking up at the same time and doing everything you used to do prior to the lockdown. However, if it’s difficult to maintain the same routine, create a new one that involves healthy activities you can do indoors.

2. Talk To Someone

They say a problem shared is a problem half solved. Sharing your struggles can help you feel at ease. It also helps knowing that you’re not the only one going through tough times. Therefore, you should make sure that you have a support system during this uncertain times whether it’s a friend or family member. Let them know when you’re having a hard time. You’’ be surprised at how many can relate to the same feeling.

3. Practice Yoga/Meditation

Doing yoga and meditating a few minutes every day can help you cope with the stress of being in lockdown. Yoga and meditation is one of the best ways to stay mentally fit. These exercises involve relaxation techniques that can help ease anxiety and panic attacks. Yoga and meditation also improve mindfulness keeping you more grounded.

4. Limit Consumption of News

The news can cause unnecessary anxiety during an already tense period. If you can, avoid watching too much news. The more you watch, the more likely you are to hear or see something that can affect your mental health. This also includes social media content. You can mute certain words on social media platforms that could potentially trigger your anxiety.

5. Be Kind To Yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself even on days when you feel unmotivated. In fact, try to do the opposite. Be kind to yourself. Show yourself some love whether it’s by using words of affirmation, gifting yourself, or spending quality time by yourself. if you need to take some time off, do it and don’t feel bad about the way you feel.

6. Cultivate A Positive Attitude

Positivity starts from your mindset. Though it’s difficult to stay positive during this time, try to look on the brighter side. You can develop a positive mindset by using positive affirmations and practicing gratitude. Appreciate the good things in your life such as good health, a roof over your head and loved ones. This is also a good opportunity to reflect on your life and identify what really matters to you.

7. Try Something New

Learning a new skill is a good way to kill time and stay production. Additionally, it gives you a feeling of accomplishment thus putting you in a good mood. You can take this extra free time to complete something on your bucket list. There are a number of great skills you can learn and put to use while indoors such as dancing, gardening, drawing and more.