
Kitengela is well known to have the best nyama choma in town, so much so that people usually drive from far and wide to come and partake in this juicy delicacy. Hence the reason why the town is usually gridlocked on weekends to the chagrin of residents.

Another distinction is that it is the fastest growing town in the country and looking around it is easy to see why with the various ongoing constructions. One would be forgiven to think that we are in the midst of a construction boom whereas in other parts of the country things are slowing down. This is due to the fact that a good number of Nairobi’s middle class and some big shots decided to make Kite as it called their home. The main selling point being the proximity to the city as well as affordable land prices.

The long and short of it is that there is money to be made in Kitengela so long as you are willing and able to offer what the population wants. Hence the reason why almost all the big banks and MFI’s have pitched tent here. For the longest time, there hasn’t been proper hangout joints in the town. What we had were rhumba joints which are okay and all but are not everyone’s cup of tea as we we are clearly not the target audience. As such residents had to either hang out in town or go to Syokimau both which are a good distance away. This was the norm till Police started mounting roadblocks to nab those who were drink driving.

The fact that the majority of the residents are relatively young meant that there those who were willing to risk being nabbed just to hang out which was obviously risky. Towards the end of last year, salvation came for this group of people in the form of a new club named “Halcyon”. Finally, we had a place where we could go drown our sorrows after a long week hustling in Nairobbery!!! In a short while, the place was packed to the rafters, it was plain to see that peeps were longing for a place where they could let loose and have fun close to home.

Shortly after, another club called Pavillion opened its doors, it is rumored to be co-owned by the guy who used to operate Space Lounge. The thing about Pavillion is that it might not be all that structure wise but the Djs there have fire mixes. Pretty soon it became the talk of the town and peeps started to flock there.

With choices also comes competition, the sudden influx of what some would consider high end clubs meant that other clubs in the area lost their customers to them. This meant that they had to either innovate or die. As a matter of fact, a couple have since shut down as a majority of their patrons just weren’t loyal!!

It is this innovation which saw the 034 Club purchase an old aircraft from Kenya Airways which is expected to be turned into the VIP section. As a tweep quipped, the clients are assured of getting high!! Given the excitement it has created in social media, it is clear to see that the owner made the right bet as many will be trooping there once we are done with both Covid and the curfew to Parte after Parte . Needless to say, the bar has been raised in matters clubs in this dusty town of ours and I just can’t wait to see what the other clubs have up their sleeves.

Interior part of the plane with the seats removed

The exterior part of the plane is currently being repainted