
Judith Owigar addressing participants at Mobile Web East Africa 2012

The third edition of Mobile Web East Africa, a mobile conference, will be on February 19-21 at the Southern Sun Mayfair Nairobi. The conference’s primary goal is to facilitate the growth of the mobile ecosystem in the region through interaction and relationship building. This year’s edition is dubbed: “Taking the monetisation and content creation dialogue to the next level”

The conference will feature speakers from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Qatar, Canada, the UK, and the US and industry leaders from organisations like Safaricom, iHub Research, DHL, iROKO Partners, Buni TV, FrontlineSMS, BuzzCity, BlackBerry and Airtel.

Some of the confirmed speakers are:

  • Joep Verheij, Head – Content, Media and Entertainment, Airtel Africa
  • Elo Umeh, CEO, Twinpine
  • Ken Mwenda, Managing Director, eMobilis
  • Wambui Kinya, Business Manager – East Africa, Praekelt Consulting
  • Athman Matano, Head of Digital, East African Breweries

Registration for the event can be done here. Start-up companies, application developers, NGOs and academics are eligible for a subsidy. More info on that can be found here.

Last year’s conference was pretty awesome. Catch a bite of it in the video below.