
The most unexplored parts of Spain has a hidden gem of a city; Malaga. This part of spain is not much explored by visitors but some of the extreme wanderlusts would definitely know about this place. The place is known for its high-end resorts and the yellow sand beaches. A lot of people visiting to spain generally visit Malaga and if you too are one of those people, then you should firstly know these six things before visiting Malaga.

  • Visit to all monuments and museums are free

A very interesting feature of the Malag city is that all the monuments and the museums of the city are free for visit for the tourists. Unlike, most of the countries and cities, the government of Malaga does not charge any kind of fees from the tourists for visiting monuments and museums of the cities. This surely is a treat for the children and the curious ones. Malaga has over 20 museums all of which are well maintained.

  • There are loads of options of food

If you are a foodie and are absolutely crazy about the food tasting avery food item available in the world then you should definitely check out the options available in the city of Malaga. There are loads of options for food and beverages in the city and all of them are scrumptious of their own kind. Malaga is a sure treat for those who think about their taste buds more than any other thing.

  • Malaga eats a bit late

The eating timings of the city are quite later than the usual timings of the other parts of spain. Malaga generally eats a bit late and which is why you might find some issues in adjusting with the same. The general timings of opening up of bars and cafes are around 2 during the day time.

  • ‘Siesta’ exists in Malaga

‘Siesta’ is the term given to the spanish lunch breaks and the same is a very big deal in the city. According to the spanish people, lunch is supposed to be the most important meal of the entire day which is why people focus more on the same. Usually siesta lasts around 2 to 5 pm in different parts of the city. Another practise of taking a power nap of 10-15 minutes after consuming the siesta is quite prevalent in the city.

  • Malaga is celebration loving city

When we talk about celebrations, there is a lot that pops up in the mind and Malaga is all about the same. Malaga is the kind of city that can party each and every time it finds a reason to party and if not then also they will find a reason to party. So, this is a celebration loving party and it is the ideal place for you if you love celebrations.

These are some facts about the city Malaga, you can travel anywhere from the Malaga airport using the Malaga airport transfers which allow you to book online and even during the time of travel.