

Social media has taken over our social lives with majority of the internet user population on one or the other platform. From catching up with friends to networking with professionals, social media platforms come with a wide range of uses. But it is not all good as these platforms are also playgrounds for trolls and bullies who might end up frustrating you. So how does one go about dealing with social media trolls?

According to The Guardian, social media trolls are not looking for a resolution. They prefer to interact with you in a battle that no one can win. In Kenya, we’ve seen lots of brands and individuals react differently to social media trolls, in both cases some ended up fuelling the fire while others handled the situation well and got out unscathed.

It’s important to remember that in any controversy or crisis, especially those manifested online, your reputation is on the line and your values are in the spotlight. The worst thing you can do is pretend it’s not happening because that lets others form a false opinion about you or your company.

Another big mistake you can make is to respond to fire with fire. That allows the trolls to set the ground rules and lowers you to their level. It’s important to defend your position, but engaging in a war of words will only escalate the situation. The number one rule when responding to criticism is to stay positive.

If you want the conversation to self-regulate then be respectful. Social media communities don’t readily tolerate arrogance and disrespect from either party in a dispute. It is advisable to respond quickly, factually and empathetically. You can use this as an opportunity to show the online community that you take every criticism or concern seriously even unwarranted ones. Treat all feedback with respect, style and grace, no matter how hostile and aggressive it might be.

Also, note that not all negative sentiments posted online are from trolls. Sometimes they are genuine people with genuine grievances. As a person and a brand you must ensure you have a crisis plan. As they say, a failure to plan is a plan to fail. Make sure you don’t go into a gun fight with a knife.