Black tea might just be the key to all your health and beauty needs. This is not only meant for ladies but also for the men. When you do research on black tea, you will find a lot of amazing information that will be really helpful to you.
Everybody wants smooth lips. Rubbing a bag of tea leaves on your lips for five minutes or more everyday will enable your lips to retain their moisture and hence give you that soft feeling that you desire so much.
Black tea can be used to make your skin smooth. Most people think that this is the work of green tea but black tea also works very well. Who doesn’t want to have that flawless skin? Apply warm black tea to your skin and let it stay for some time. It should be given time to get absorbed into your skin. The results will be amazing. Black tea works magic on pimples too. Just apply it and let it sit. The longer you let it sit the better the results will be. Soaking your body in black tea also helps clear body acne. Prepare a hot bath and throw in several bags of black tea. You will surely notice the difference. You can also take a tea bath if you have uncomfortable sunburns on your skin. Black tea is recommended for dark skinned individuals as it may leave brown patches on fair skinned individuals.
Black tea is a proven cure for conjunctivitis (pink eye). It is also a cure for sore eyes. It contains ingredients that are known to clean the eyes. Just use the tea in the same way you use eye drops. Black tea also relieves puffy or swollen eyes. Just place a tea bag that has been dipped into cold water on closed eye lids. Let it stay for about five minutes. Some people say that this tea cures almost any eye ailment.
Black tea is also good for hair. It darkens hair. Instead of using hair dye that is known to contain side effects and that can cause a lot of damage to the hair in the end, it is better to give black tea a try and see how wonderful the results will be.
Black tea helps eliminate body and foot odor. All you need to do is simply soak your body or feet in black tea for half an hour. The tannis in the tea will help control the smell of your body or feet and help them feel cooler and relaxed.
When sipped slowly black tea without sugar has a lot to offer in terms of health. It will do wonders for your upset stomach and it is also known to relieve headaches, nausea, vomiting and even menstrual cramps.