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Dressing well for an interview is very important. You might have all the necessary requirements that are needed for you to get a certain job, but your interview attire might disqualify you from getting the job of your dreams. Employers will not only look at your education qualifications and past work experience. They will also want to see how you present yourself in public. This is part of the reason why interviews are carried out before you are given a job. It is very important that you dress in a smart a decent way that will be sure to get you the job.

Suits always work. Wearing a suit is important. If you own a suit, this is the best attire to go with on your interview day. The suit should be smart. It should look smart and it should also make you appear classy and elegant. Do not wear patterns or weird colors. Gray, black, navy blue and dark brown are the best color suits to wear when you are going to an interview. The skirt of your suit should be of a decent length that will allow you to sit comfortably. It should however not be too long that it makes you look shabby.

The blouse and shoes that you wear with your suit should coordinate. Having a sense of coordination in the way that you dress will show your employer that you are a well coordinated person and will increase your chances of getting the job. It is very important that you have a fashion sense because no employer will hire you if you seem to be out of touch with your self image. Your blouse’s color should coordinate with that of your suit and it should not have too many details. The shoes that you wear should also not have many details. Plain shoes are the best to go with. They should also not be too high. The length of your heel should be comfortable for you to stand in your shoes for a long time.

Jewelry always adds class and glamour to your outfit. When it comes to the jewelry that you wear on your interview date, it should be minimal. You should wear studs or small earrings that will not dangle and attract attention. A watch on your wrist is enough. Do not wear a lot of bracelets and chucky necklaces to an interview unless you are interviewing for a position as a fashion designer or stylist and you want to impress with your fashion sense. Your hairstyle should not be fancy. Pulling your hair back in a ponytail is the best style when going for an interview. This will look professional and will not distract you during your interview.

Make up and perfume should be applied at a minimal. Your make up should be very light so that it is barely noticeable. Your perfume should also be very light as well. This is so that you do not attract a lot of attention to your make up and fragrance. Your prospective employer should be impressed with you if he is to give you the job and your first impression in terms of the image that you present really matters. Your nails should be neatly manicured and you should have nail polish that is neutral and not too loud. It is important that you carry your papers and portfolio in a neat briefcase so that you impress your potential employer in all aspects.