
Igiza Arts Production has announced the premiere of its latest satirical drama, The Waiting Room, set to premier at the Kenya National Theatre on September 7th and 8th. The play is written and directed by acclaimed playwright Martin Abuya and produced by Wreiner Arnold Mandu.

The play, which has been described as poignant and humorous, promises to entertain, enlighten, and spark important conversations around the Kenyan healthcare system. Tickets for The Waiting Room are currently available on the Igiza Arts Production website.

The cast of The Waiting Room includes Kennedy Kithia, Lisa, Jeff Obonyo, Vanessa Gichio, Edna Kariuki, Muthoni Njoki, Harold Kerry, Lydia Mamati, Prince Kamselele, Linda Kamuri and Sammy Waweru. Edna Kariuki and Lydia Mamati are the Stage Managers, while Ruth Milha is the Music Director.

The plot of the play involves a chaotic hospital waiting room and rising tension as anxious relatives await news about a critically injured patriarch. Secrets unravel, misunderstandings abound, and comedic yet dramatic confrontations ensue. Amidst the chaos, unexpected twists reveal hidden lives and shocking truths, weaving a thrilling tale of identity, deception, and the unpredictable nature of family bonds.

Playwright Martin Abuya aims to use humor as a tool to address serious issues within the healthcare system and within the family fabric. Through The Waiting Room, I hope to highlight the challenges faced by both healthcare workers and patients in Kenya. It’s a reflection of our reality, delivered with a mix of satire and heart,” says Martin, commenting on the play.

Igiza Arts Production creates and showcases thought-provoking and impactful theatrical works. With a focus on bringing untold stories to the stage, the Production house continues to push the boundaries of Kenyan theatre, providing a platform for talented artists and fostering a deeper appreciation for the performing arts in Kenya.