
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a rookie just dipping your toes into the world of Apex Legends, we’ve all felt the thrill and frustration of Ranked Mode. It’s a test of skill, strategy, and a little bit of luck. But what separates the occasional victors from the consistent champions?

We’re here to share five essential tips that will propel your climb in the Apex Legends Ranked Mode. Whether it’s mastering the art of teamwork, or optimizing your drop location, we’ve got you covered. So strap in, and prepare to take your game to new heights.

Understanding Apex Legends Ranked Mode

As we delve deeper into the thrilling world of Apex Legends Ranked Mode, it’s crucial that we understand its basics, along with its rewards and ranking system.

The Basics of Ranked Play

Every vibrant skirmish in Apex Legends Ranked Mode holds potential for players to showcase skill, strategy, and a dash of good fortune. In each match, players compete in pre-defined tiers, progressing based on their points earned by surviving and eliminating opponents. The season’s length varies, with 1-2 months of intense competition packed with action. Cross-platform play is a welcome option, although console players can opt out.

Rewards and Rankings Explained

Distinguished players in Apex Legends Ranked Mode are rewarded handsomely. By climbing the ranks, from Bronze to Apex Predator, players earn Ranked Points (RP). Increasing your RP not only elevates your status on the leaderboard but also accounts for exclusive rewards such as badges, weapon cosmetics, and dive trails reserved for the higher echelons. However, the astounding dive trials are temporary for every rank except the Apex Predators, the crème de la crème of the game, celebrating their prowess by keeping their dive trails indefinitely. Achieving consecutive top-tier placements amplifies these rewards, thus escalating the allure of Apex Legends Ranked Mode.

Tip 1: Mastering the Right Legends

In Apex Legends’ Ranked Mode, the first crucial step involves understanding and selecting the appropriate Legends.

Choosing Your Legend Wisely

Selecting the right Legend establishes your game’s footing; hence, it’s not a decision to take lightly. Legends, unique in abilities and skills, contribute to the team’s overall success. Lifeline, with her healing capabilities, proves beneficial for survival, while Bangalore’s smoke abilities offer tactical advantages during firefights. Pathfinder, well-known for his mobility skills, aids quick rotations and escape routes, especially vital in Ranked Mode battles. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each Legend, deciding based on your personal playstyle and comfort.

Synergizing Your Team Composition

Team Composition impacts the Ranked Mode drastically, playing a decisive role in your climb. Legends featuring skills that complement each other amplify the team’s overall strength. For example, pairing Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment with Bangalore’s smoke canisters creates an effective offensive strategy. Similarly, Wattson’s Interception Pylon can block throwables, protecting teammates in tense end-game situations, especially in combination with Lifeline’s healing drone. Therefore, communicating with your team and planning the Legend selection to optimize synergy marks a powerful strategy in Apex Legend’s Ranked Mode.

Tip 2: Effective Communication

Moving forward with the subject matter at hand, Apex Legends Ranked Mode calls for impeccable communication. Enhance this with two sub-aspects: team coordination, and mastering pings and callouts.

Importance of Team Coordination

Successful teams in Apex Legends Ranked Mode share a common trait: excellent team coordination. It’s a potent force multiplier and a vital factor in victories. For instance, decide on roles prior to a match: one team member can focus on reconnaissance, another on defense, and the third on handling offense. Distributing roles like this streamlines decision-making, reduces confusion, and promotes efficiency on the battlefield.

Utilizing Pings and Callouts Effectively

In Apex Legends, pings and callouts offer a non-verbal communication method, enabling quick, effective sharing of information. Proper utilization can cover gaps in spoken communication, particularly useful where language barriers exist between team members. Examples include “Enemy here” for enemy spotting, “Going here” for indicating movement, and “Defending here” for setting up defensive perimeters. Mastering pings and callouts can drastically improve your team’s situational awareness, ultimately enhancing performance in Ranked Mode.

Tip 3: Strategic Gameplay

Let’s delve deeper into the heart of Apex Legends Ranked Mode, where strategic gameplay takes center stage. This part of our journey explores the critical aspects encompassing drop locations, managing the ring, and rotations. Mastering these elements can significantly boost your rank and performance. To further enhance your strategy, you might want to get top-tier Apex Legends cheats on Battlelog, which can provide invaluable insights and advantages. By integrating these cheats with your refined tactics, you’ll be better equipped to climb the ranks and achieve victory.

Choosing Drop Locations

Selecting the optimal drop locations forms a pivotal part of the strategic gameplay. It’s not just about avoiding early skirmishes, but about choosing landing spots rich in loot and conducive for planning your next move. Locations like “The Cage,” “Sorting Factory,” or “Skyhook” are often rife with high-quality gear, setting you up for a sturdy start. Finding a balance between safety, loot quality, and the positioning of the subsequent rings is crucial.

Managing the Ring and Rotations

Managing the ring and correctly timing rotations can turn the tide of a game in your favor. Understand that the rings get progressively more damaging, making position paramount in the latter stages of a match. Stay ahead, anticipate the ring’s movements, and rotate early to fortify positions in advantageous spots, such as high ground or buildings. Taking last-minute panic fights while the ring closes results in avoidable losses, making effective ring management a necessity and not an option in Apex Legends Ranked Mode.

Tip 4: Maximizing Your Combat Skills

Battles in Apex Legends Ranked Mode often come down to the wire. At those times, you’ll appreciate having honed your combat skills to perfection.

Aiming and Movement Practice

Accurate aiming serves as the foundation of your combat skills. Engage regularly in training drills that balance both movement and precision shooting. The Apex Legends training range, with its various targets and distances, offers an invaluable platform for practice. Here, you can work exhaustively on your accuracy, recoil control, and movement patterns. Remember, static shooting won’t get you far in the arena. So, learn to move while landing your shots.

Utilizing High Ground and Cover

In Apex, conquering the high ground often means owning the fight. Positioning atop a hill or building gives you a wider view of the battlefield and makes you a harder target. Always consider verticality when choosing positions and repositioning. Combine this with effective use of cover, popping in and out to deal damage while minimizing exposure. Relearn the game’s landscape with an eye for spots that offer the best blend of height and protection. Mastering these techniques can give you a significant edge in Apex Legends Ranked Mode.

Tip 5: Mental and Physical Preparation

Following a thorough understanding of the mechanics and strategies in Apex Legends, we now discuss perhaps the most nuanced yet important aspect of Ranked Mode: mental and physical preparation. Success, in fact, often hinges on one’s mental fortitude and physical well-being.

Managing Stress and Tilt

After spending hours in intense matches, competitors can experience stress and frustration, a state often referred to as ’tilting.’ We can’t stress enough on the importance of maintaining composure during challenging moments of gameplay. Remember, Apex Legends isn’t solely a test of skills; it’s equally a test of mental strength.

For instance, rather than dwelling on losses or perceived injustices, consider each defeat a learning experience. Review the game, identify areas for improvement, but most importantly, remember it’s only a game. Implement these actions to mitigate stress and tilt, leading to better performance in the long run.

Regular Breaks and Physical Health

Extending our discussion to physical health, regular breaks during gameplay make a substantial difference. Prolonged gaming can strain the body, causing fatigue, disrupting focus, and ultimately, impairing performance in Apex Legends Ranked Mode.

In light of this, we recommend refining your gaming routine. Breaks after every few matches, for example, lower stress levels and prevent burnout. Exercise or even a quick walk around your gaming area can help maintain your physical health, improving both your gaming stamina and your overall well-being.


So there you have it. We’ve given you the lowdown on what it takes to climb in Apex Legends Ranked Mode. It’s not just about skill and luck, but also strategy. We’ve emphasized the importance of teamwork, mastering your Legend’s abilities, and choosing your drop locations wisely. We’ve also discussed the mental and physical aspects of gameplay, reminding you to manage stress, avoid tilt, and take regular breaks. Remember, every match is a learning experience. So don’t be disheartened by losses. Instead, use them as stepping stones to improve and climb higher. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll see yourself progressing in ranks in no time. Here’s to your success in Apex Legends Ranked Mode!