
With the the government announcing that the Nairobi Expressway will be opened for public use by motorists on Saturday, May 14. There is a need for motorists to register for toll cards to ensure ease of payment while using the road.

Other than the toll cards, motorists will also have the option of using cash to make payments, however, this is bound to be time consuming. As such, it will be much easier for someone driving to use the card to ensure that you don’t waste time while making payments.

Here is how to register for the toll card;

Create an Account

To be able to get a card, one needs to create an account, you can do that by heading over to the expressway website and filling in your details. You will need to indicate whether you want register your account as an individual or a corporate. After filling in your details and creating a password, you will need to agree to the terms and conditions and thereafter submit.



Verifying Phone Number

To ensure that you have submitted legit details, a code will be sent to your phone and which you are supposed to key in and thereafter submit before moving to the next step.

Choose Card

After they verify your details, you will be required to choose between Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) or Manual Toll Collection (MTC). ETC requires one to fit out a OBU device in your car that will enable allow payments to be deducted automatically without having to stop at the toll stations.

The MTC will be a tap and go card which one will have to load and the funds deducted when you tap at the toll station.


In the event that you choose ETC, you will be required to not only provide a copy of your national ID but also you vehicle registration details as well as Logbook.


Print Application

Once chosen the option that you would like to utilize that is either ETC or MTC, one will be required to download and print out the application.  Thereafter you are supposed take it to the Nairobi Expressway Command Center at Cabanas for the issuance of the MTC card or the installation of the OBU device for those who opt for ETC.

In order to get the OBU installed, one will need top up Ksh. 5,000 which will be utilized to pay for using the expressway or pay Ksh. 1,000 as the installation charge.



List of fines for motorists on the Nairobi Expressway