
Logistics company Sendy has launched freight services on its platform to serve clients needs to transport cargo domestically, across East Africa, and throughout the continent.

The company has since January 2019 been testing the cargo feature by matching large transporters with businesses moving their cargo from the port of Mombasa and the Inland Container Depot to different countries across Africa. The successful pilot has clocked over 1,500 deliveries of 18 to 30 tonnes and more since its launch.

Speaking during the announcement, Sendy Founder and CEO Mr. Meshack Alloys said the addition of Freight on the Sendy platform was prompted by existing Sendy customers hoping to leverage the company’s technological expertise for their larger cargo needs. The company also noted the need to help decongest the Inland Container Depot and to assist customers seeking to move their cargo fast as a reason prompting the extension of Sendy’s service to Freight.

“Following requests from our customers, we have officially extended Freight services to our platform to help solve long haul logistics problems. This rise in demand from our clients directly informed our decision to use our technology in reducing the time it takes to clear cargo from depots and to help decongest the Inland Container Depot,” said Mr. Alloys.

Some clients using this service include Unilever, Bidco, Maersk and Multiple Solutions. The new service has seen the company move cargo to Rwanda, Tanzania, Sudan, Congo, Zambia, Uganda and beyond as it assists customers moving cargo across the continent.

Sendy currently covers delivery needs for over 5,000 businesses and hopes to double this with the addition of Sendy Freight to its platform.