
Working out and keeping fit is not an easy task and because body types are different, some of us have an easier time losing weight and toning up than others. Similarly when you start losing weight your body’s natural instinct is to fight back. You may be able to lose quite a lot of weight at first without too much effort but weight loss may slow down or stop altogether after a while. If you are at a point where you feel that you are not seeing any results, here are some questions you need to ask yourself;

Are you having the right kind of breakfast?

All body functions, including the act of eating require energy. Fast  metabolism is the key to burning excess fat. When you eat breakfast, you activate the thermogenesis process which means you are stimulating your metabolism. Some studies have shown that eating a meal in the morning can boost your metabolism more than eating the same meal in the evening.

Eating a meal in the morning can have a positive effect on your blood sugar concentration. It’s important to remember that not all breakfast meals are equal. One cannot discount that there is a big difference between eating sugary chocolate cereals or one cup of tea with over processed white bread compared to eggs with high fibre toast or oatmeal with low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit.

Does your diet have enough protein in it?

Studies show that those who eat a high-protein breakfast are less hungry and have fewer cravings throughout the day. Protein is among the most important nutrients required for weight loss. You can boost metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day by eating protein 25-30% of your overall calories. This mean that you will eat fewer calories as you will be fuller for longer, eliminating or reducing your cravings and desires for snacking.  High protein intake also helps prevent metabolic slowdown, which is a common side effect of losing weight. Additionally it helps to prevent weight regain.

Have you been really working out?

It doesn’t matter if you are early bird or a night owl kind of exerciser or whether you work out for 20 minutes or two hours. The amount of effort you put into the workout makes all the difference.  If you are able to smile, stroll around chat, look cute and gossip in the gym…well…

Heavy breathing signals that your body is working hard. People sweat differently, but if you are dripping off your brow, you are probably working out at a pretty high rate. Sweat means that your body is overheating, and overheating happens when the body is working. While you don’t want you to push yourself beyond your limit, you still need to feel your heart racing to get into the training zone that produces results.

Have you been lifting weights?

Some form of resistance training like lifting weights is vital for your exercise regimen. Resistance training can help you hold on to your precious muscle mass, which is often burned along with body fat if you are losing weight without exercising.  Weight lifting can also help prevent metabolic slowdown, ensuring that what is beneath the fat looks good as well.

Muscle tissue weighs more than fat. So as you lose that and replace it with lean muscle, the weighing scale may be moving down more slowly or not at all. Focus less on the scale and more on how you look and feel.

Have you switched up the workouts?

Performing the same exercise routine for a long time lets the muscles get used to the movements, making them work more efficiently. But the bad news is that this translates into fewer burned calories. Mix up the routine once in a while and keep challenging the muscles in new ways. Change your workout every three to four weeks. This amount of time gives your body the ability to work hard and make beneficial gains.

Are you sleeping well?

Weight loss especially is affected by more than just diet and exercise. Poor sleeping habits can also sabotage your weight-loss goals. Sleep deprivation influences the hormones that control appetite, which makes you feel like you need quick energy—usually in the form of highly caloric sugary and fatty foods. Lack of sleep can also slow down your metabolism, leaving you with too little energy to work out.

Are you paying attention to what you eat?

Binge eating is a common side effect of dieting involving rapidly eating large amounts of food than your body needs. This is why nutritionists are strict on focus on healthy eating rather than dieting. But quality is just as important as quantity -healthy foods improve your overall health and also regulate your appetite because they tend to be much more filling. Awareness is incredibly important for weight loss. Your portion sizes may be larger than they need to be, and the result is that you end up consuming too many calories. You may also be unwittingly drinking calories in the form of regular sodas, alcoholic beverages and some fruit juices.