
International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched their report Tackling Childcare: The Business Case for Employer Supported Childcare in Kenya on March 16th at the Intercontinental Hotel Nairobi. Safaricom, which is included in the report as a case study for childcare support at the workplace, was part of the launch.

According to the report, employers who lack quality and affordable childcare for their employees experience losses in terms of a higher employee turn-over, increased absenteeism and lower productivity.

Therefore, the focus of the report is:

  • To guide companies on analyzing their workforce and identifying the most suitable form of child support that they may offer
  • To expound on the various childcare support options  that companies around the globe use by providing 10 case studies
  • To highlight how childcare programs benefit companies in terms of employee recruitment, retention, improved productivity and enhanced corporate reputation

Examples of childcare support in the workplace include providing a workplace crèche, a lactation room for nursing mothers, allowing flexible working times for employees and provision of childcare subsidies. Safaricom, for instance, offers an on-site crèche, extended hours for childcare and emergency care in some cases.

Through integration of childcare support in companies, challenges of childcare experienced by employees with young children while they work will be addressed. Furthermore, it improves workplace diversity as more women are able to grow in their careers without the worry of neglecting their motherly duties.

As argued in the report, employer supported childcare is genuinely a win for both employers and employees. To find out more on the report please access it here.