My friend has a blog and on one of her posts, she reminisces on old songs and the memories they bring back. If I was to recreate that post with TV characters from old shows, then these would be some of my TV crushes from back in the day.
1. Nick Mutuma
Nick Mutuma as Leo is the highlight of my primary school life.
Boys weren’t disgusting anymore and despite breaking into a weird giggling fit when one talked to me, I enjoyed being around them. I was terribly shy though, and while everyone around me was pairing up, I stayed loyal to Nick, and the characters he played.
I loved watching him play the president’s son on Statehouse. He also plays Tomide on This is It and he’s as handsome as ever and a great actor.
2. Lenana Kariba
High school. I have graduated from being shy and awkward around boys become somewhat confident. Form two was also the year I had my first kiss and thought I’d fallen in love. Then we moved from our neighbourhood to a new one and this change inadvertentaley led to my first break up.
Now I was new girl, heartbroken and searching for a new bae. Lenana Kariba playing Joseph Juma in Lies That Bind quickly filled that role. I was fascinated by his afro (it was so big!) And his courage to stand up to his mother. The fact that he fell in love with the waitress at his step mother’s cafe made him more endearing.
You can also watch the dashing Lenana Kariba on Love or Die and How To Find A Husband.
3. Fhareed Khimani

© Louis Nderi –
Whenever someone mentions his name, I’m immediately taken back to August holidays (we travelled to shagz every December) when I was in high school. I never missed his breakfast shows on X-FM.
He was funny, handsome,had hair that I always wanted to run my fingers through, and he hosted on a rock music station. What more could I want from a man?
His talents aren’t just on radio though, he acts too, playing Patrick, Nini Wacera’s love interest on Kona.
4. Pascal Tokodi
Initially, I knew Pascal Tokodi from Pray and Prey, a drama show that used to air on NTV. I started seeing more of him on YouTube from his music videos and he has a really nice voice. The crush was instant! He can sing and act. I wonder if he can dance too?
You can watch more of him on the drama series Changes.
5. Darell Gee
Ripped abs and good acting skills, plus he’s a model? Sign me up!. I didn’t know much about Darell until I saw him on the show Jane and Abel where he is cast a henchman. I found out more about him and discovered he’s been on plenty of TV ads and shows such as Shuga and Changing Times.
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