
Johnny Bravo

Bad Boys, the fact is, most women love them. There is that one guy who you can’t help but be attracted to despite you knowing he is bad news. You know the guy is poisonous for you, but that won’t stop you from dating him. I admit I do have a thing for these guys, but the fear of my mother sending me to my grave early if I date them means I will never admit to dating or even knowing said guys. I have friends who have dated them, despite being cautioned about how unhealthy the guy is to them. Not their wisest decisions. I don’t get it, it’s fun while it lasts, but is it all a stage in life when the thrill of danger appeals to us or is there something more?

Dating a bad boy is quite exhilarating. These guys will pull you in simply because they know exactly what to say, where to touch you, where to take you on a date, etc. it’s like a well thought out movie to them. No scene can go wrong. Bad boys will turn you to mush with a simple look, that’s how easy it is for them. They have an ego that surpasses anyone else’s they know they can and will get that girl with little effort. Nice guys have a shy demeanor to them making them slow to go for what they want. They think too much and by then the girl has grown impatient and they stand no chance.

Any woman will confess to having a rush when being around the bad boy. Everything you do is thrilling; there will be no dull moments with them. They tend to go with whatever comes to mind at the moment. A good guy will plan a date weeks in advance at a specific time and show up then. A bod boy will sit and in the spur of a moment you’ll be on a road trip to a foreign land, clubbing all night on your way there. The nice guy wants to spend intimate moments getting t now you, the bad boy is all about fun. If you happen to tag along he is okay with it. If not, he’ll get the next girl to do it.

I will confess to being in love with drama. I’m not sure if it’s a female thing, but I get the feeling all women like dram. Some overdo it, but to some extent we all enjoy it. This is why we are drawn to the bad boy. With him there will always be something going on, some juicy stories to share with your girls the next time you meet. There’s nothing fun and interesting to say about the nice guy. He represents stability and that gets boring. You need and crave that drama a bad boy adds o your life. It’s like your private dose of a Mexican Soap Opera.

Have you ever talked to someone and asked why they stick in that really terrible relationship and there answer is “I want to change him” Yeah. Women love challenges. The more trouble a guy is the more into him we get. We want to change him and make him better so he can fit into your perfect fairytale. But at the end of the day he is who he is. So we thrive on the challenge of changing one thing then having two more pop up.

I know I seem fascinated by the bad boy, maybe in a way I am. Mostly I’m just intrigued as to why a woman who knows what she really wants will shun the nice guy who fits that image and go for the complete opposite. Most times I think it’s a phase and they will get over it. We all want to have dated a bad boy just to know what it feels like. One thing for sure is that bad boys will always be a weakness for all girls. We simply can’t help but love our fair share of his species.