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In a discussion with a friend of mine she mentioned how she wanted a kid but didn’t mention marriage or any association with the father. This is not the first time that I have had such from my female friends and you have to ask yourself how such affects our society and where is the source of such thinking.
Growing up we were taught that the family was the basic unit of society. Its failure as an institution signaled the failure of society. From the age of our parents and grandparents, children out of wedlock were frowned upon mostly due to strong religious values. With recent times however more and more individuals are frowning upon the institution that is marriage with that reflected in the high divorce rate and number of single parents.
So what went wrong? Or rather is this an evolution of society and should we now be redefining what we grew up as the definition of a family unit? With passing time more and more young professionals shall opt not to get married but still want the option of having children and soon we shall have a generation raised by single parents. I do not believe that being raised by a single parent is flawed or raises any children with incomplete personalities, having been raised by a single parent, but most of those raised by single parents in my age came to be so due to unavoidable circumstances like death. Should we be worried for the future generation of children? And where should we place the blame for the new school of thought that is now spreading like wild fire among our young professional now set to take the reins on the leadership of society?