My name is Amondi Agutu.
What’s in a name? Why do folks raise their brows when I introduce myself as Amondi Agutu? Why do they wait expectantly for the third name? Must I have an English name to be considered schooled or even Christian? Why do people think I am Amondi Agutu because I am trying to make a statement? Can’t I just be plain and simple Amondi Agutu?
My name is not politically correct, it does not belong to a deep creative person, it’s not a generation x thing; in fact I am not me because I am a proud Luo, I am just… me; human, with all these characteristics that make me different from you… including my name.
In the BC era, Moses (he who walked the Israelites out of Egypt) saw a burning bush that wasn’t quite burning and talked to it. Turns out it was God, who sent him to Pharaoh saying “tell Pharaoh that I AM has sent youâ€. HE IS. Plain and simple.
What does your name mean to you? Do you embrace it, love it, give it the justice it deserves? Are you your name?