
Kenya Pipeline Company’s philanthropic arm, the KPC Foundation, has opened a new healthcare facility, Ukuu Dispensary, in Nkuene Ward, Meru County. The facility, which was constructed and equipped at a cost of Ksh 5 million, is expected to enhance access to basic healthcare needs for the Nkuene Ward community members and boost overall delivery of healthcare services in Meru County.

The facility is equipped with modern medical infrastructure, diagnostic equipment, consultation rooms, and specialized treatment areas. In addition, KPC Foundation has also constructed an ablution block worth Ksh 1.5 million to serve the community accessing the facility.

Speaking at the commissioning, KPC Managing Director Joe Sang noted, “Many Kenyans are not able to access healthcare services either because there are no facilities nearby or it is too expensive. In the case of Ukuu Dispensary, KPC Foundation is taking deliberate steps to bring health care closer to the community. Only about 20% of Kenyans have access to medical covers leaving the majority excluded from quality healthcare coverage. Consequently, most Kenyans spend a huge amount of their income on health and as such, the KPC Foundation has a key focus on enhancing the provision of healthcare services in the country.”

On his part, Martin Makasi, MCA Nkuene Ward stated that the dispensary has brought healthcare closer to the doorsteps of Ukuu community members. He added that this will go a long way in ensuring ailments in Nkuene Ward are curbed through early detection at the facility.

“We appreciate KPC Foundation for the commissioning of this facility which will be of great benefit to this community. This facility will help reduce the travel distance of the locals while accessing essential medical services,” said Martin.

The area MCA further expressed his gratitude to Kenya Pipeline Foundation and called upon more corporates to follow suit in contribution to the enhancement of healthcare services in the community.