
Having the right data at the right time has become mission critical for organizations in today’s fast paced world. This is why Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software has been designed primarily with mechanisms of processing data.

ERPs essentially helps businesses, manage their processes that is finance, human resources, manufacturing, supply chain, services, procurement, CRM among others using advanced algorithms to sift through the data for insights.

Given the various benefits that a business can get from utilizing an ERP solution, a lot of businesspeople shy away from them perhaps due to the cost or the time needed to implement the same. However, there comes a time in a business’s growth trajectory that one simply cannot do without an ERP otherwise growth and expansion will be resolved.

Here are some of the tell-tale signs that your business needs an ERP system:

Lag in Report Generation

Reports are the bedrock of a company and any lag in accessing/generating them can cost a business an opportunity. A good example of this is the utilization of a manual inventory tracking system across different software and spreadsheets. This is method is time-consuming, redundant and vulnerable to errors. This is why businesses need a centralized inventory tracking system that includes accounting features which makes it easier to generate reports in real time.

The SYSPRO ERP can help you keep track of your finished goods inventory, this can enable one keep inventory levels to an absolute minimum. With greater visibility courtesy of accurate and real-time reports,  you can therefore be able to make more informed decisions about what to manufacture, with what resources, when, where and in what sequence.

Multiple Programs for Different Tasks

Investing in various silo applications and programs to manage various tasks might at times limit a company ability to achieve its full operation efficiency. For instance, having independent systems to manage the warehouse inventory, re-ordering levels, sales and pricing might pose a challenge especially when generating adhoc reports for quick decision making. Such independent systems with communication barriers are a liability, this is because employees are not able to make timely decisions based on accurate data. This eventually leads to decreased overall efficiency and profitability.

A good ERP system makes these essential modules available to anyone in the organization who needs them. Reports and other critical information can be generated within minutes, all at the click of a button.

SYSPRO ERP is the ideal ERP solution to assist in enabling a secure and efficient supply chain that speaks to manufacturing supply chain pain points. Our fit-for-purpose solutions ensure supply chain business operations are optimized by providing improved organizational and internal operational control; connectivity across the factory floor, branches/sites and regions; and enhanced information and intelligence to enable faster and better decision-making

Limited Remote Access

When running a business, it is important to have a complete overview of how the business is running from anywhere in the world. However, in a business which is running different programs for different tasks, it is difficult to be able to track the business as a whole.

An ERP system enables you to have a complete overview of how all the sections of your business are performing in real-time regardless of wherever you are in the world.  This ensures that you are able to take advantage of any unforeseen opportunity that might come your way. Should there be a problem, you are able to detect it in real-time and deal with it effectively. In short, an ERP ensures that you will always have the data that you need to make good business decisions.

Essentially, ERP technology gives you as the business owner the agility that you need to respond to the changing business needs at a rapid rate. Which is why as a Medium to Large scale business, one needs a cloud-based ERP provider like SYSPRO. SYSPRO is a trusted brand which has provided services to some of the big brands in the country like Synresins, KWAL, Brookside and MEDS, among others.

So, if your business is facing some of the challenges highlighted above, contact SYSPRO and let them help your business grow to new levels.