
The world celebrated the World Creativity and Innovation Day yesterday which was designated by the United Nations to raise awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development.

According to the latest census stats, Kenya is largely a youthful nation with at least 74 percent of the population being below the age of 35 years. With such a youthful age, innovation becomes the only way to crack it in a highly-competitive world.

In identifying the power of creativity and innovation, regional low-cost airline, Jambojet had a chat with Ogero Oscar, a performing Poet, and filmmaker. Oscar uses his love for poetry and film to tell the stories. He has managed to marry the two into an amazing synergy.

According to Oscar, what inspires him is the drive to always want to tell a story and be heard. “I use poetry and film to tell my stories both as individual facets and a coming together of two elements,” he said.

With the unemployment rate in Kenya being among the highest in the region, Oscar uses his passion for poetry and film to earn a living. He says people with talents and capabilities should maximize their talents instead of waiting of white-collar jobs that are hard to come by nowadays.

“Knowing that I can go anywhere with it and meet people who shape opinions and inspire innovation gives me the joy to keep doing it. Knowing I can monetize it and help fund my desirable life is transformational to me,” he said.

According to Oscar, creatives are fundamental to everything that’s happening. To every product launch. Every societal issue be it political or environmental. Every new trend and campaign. “If we are involved as equal or near important pillars, then both the creative and the private sectors benefit. In short, our value should be based on what weoffer as opposed to what we are viewed as. Fund our projects, consult us and make us
the integral part of any collaborative efforts the private sector is doing.”

Asked what he thinks of Jambojet and what makes it stand out, Oscar smiled and said that, Jambojet, which he has worked with since 2020, works in a very peculiar yet inspiring manner as well as giving their content creators creative freedom when working together. This allows one to stay within the brand guidelines but also opens a window of personalization when creating.

On his favorite destination with Jambo, Oscar goes for Lamu “for its rich history and culture. Lamu is full of that and more so, the beauty of that little town. “I got to be part of the Lamu route launch last September and we toured the archipelago from Manda all the way to Kiwayu.” His parting shot? Use what you have to move a step further each day.