
The Defenders Coalition, the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders in Kenya, has launched a new campaign dubbed Climb for Justice, to support human rights defenders. The initiative aims to raise Ksh. 50 million to establish a home for human rights defenders in Kenya.

The home will be a vibrant space for the promotion and protection of the rights of all the Kenyan people as enshrined in the constitution.

“Over the years, the Defenders Coalition has acted boldly to make sure that activists who stand up for what is just and right suffer no harm. We get them lawyers, bail them out of custody and mobilize public support whose interventions come with immense financial implications hence the need for a long term sustainable plan,” said Kamau Ngugi, Executive Director, National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders – Kenya.

The Climb for Justice Campaign will offer an opportunity for all Kenyans to be part of cementing human rights into the country’s national culture. The Campaign will run from August 13th 2019 and climax with a summit to Peak Lenana, Mt. Kenya and hoisting the Kenyan flag by a group of volunteer climbers and supporters. The climbers include 7 year old Jabali Mboya, 8 year old Naila Sifa and Malcom Wahome (11 years). Go here for registration details climbforjustice.org/registration.

“We are committed to strengthening our support for the women and men in every town and village of this country who put their lives on the line to protect the Constitution and human rights at a challenging time. We hope and trust that Kenyans across the country will support us in this endeavor and join with us to build a more secure and happier Kenyan nation for the benefit of all our citizens,” concluded Mr. Ngugi.

The fundraiser drive will end on December 12th 2019 (Jamhuri Day).